Get Your Sparks of Fortunes — 14 March

I’ve literally never used a spark, ever.

I am such a cheapskate… :stuck_out_tongue:

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only have 3 sparks total when friends have 4

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I’ve somehow ended up with 3/4 fractured sparks available. Got one from the purple quest, and the extra compensation spark. 2 weekly caches killed 8 raid bosses and 2 m+ dungeons today after reset and still nothing dropped. I suspect this broke something for some people?

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Yep, today we’re supposed to have 5 total fractured sparks and I’m on 3 total. Same as Iridae, got 1 from quest and 1 from catch up. Didn’t get one from the pinnacle last week or this week. Now I’m 2 fractured sparks behind.

And I can’t even write a ticket, the submit button just spins forever.

Have 3/5 fractured sparks, all activities done. Great job Blizz, you are the best. Ruin my char`s progress.