Gnomish Battle Chicken abuse needs to go with P3 launch

It’s not an exploit, it’s an item in the game.

And it’s not a personal attack, it’s my general sense of players finding reasons why they don’t get the same parses as in OG classic just by collecting world buffs.

Have u ever seen original tbc logs from 2007/8? I never seen back then such meme logs. So drastically different with same gear/class. I suggested to add Sated debuff coz lust is most op mechanic. NO it wont make shamans less valuable or less needed in raids. Blizz started making changes in Classic TBC. IF we follow their logic they should make changes to this bs battle chicken and add debuff for lust too. its crystal clear
Whats the point to discuss this, they destroyed 80 haste… 80 haste man. When u leave broken engi trinket + lust without cd. Btw in same way like ppl asking why u care about logs, I can ask why u care if they nerf those? Do you think 1 lust per fight is not enough? Or u think is fair one guy to abuse and swap 2,3 shamans so he can show ‘insane’ dps. how can u care about logs when there is such broken things that makes TBC looks pathetic.
Did you ever check TK logs? Whats the point when ppl abuse legendary weapons.

edit: but lets be real. blizz dont even read forums. why i even bother posting here dunno. pisses me still what decisions they make or dont make.

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No changes plz

People wanting this to get nerfed are just green parsers who are mad they cant even get a blue/purple. Either go into a parseguild and (ab)use the different mechanics for dps inscrease or shut up. If you don’t use it, it doesn’t affect you. You can still easily do 95%+ parses without chicken stacking.

Nothing to do with parses for me. I just dislike having to stop the raid for 2 min just so our meele can parse.

If it could be popped like a normal trinket i wouldnt mind it.

It really is sad how much power people give to WCL.

So people found a way to abuse a level 40 trinket to get a ridiculously powerful boost to damage and now they’re holding on to it for dear life.
I’m sure that if someone found a way to boost caster dps by 200% the same melee players would be just fine with it since it’s in the game and therefore intended.
Nothing you say is going to convince them it shouldn’t be in the game and I guess Blizzard are to risk averse at this point to make a decision.


I did. Not only the weapon damage itself but the 25% increased physical and magic damage from 5 debuff stacks from weapons is disgusting. Such logs are already announced to be removed or differentiated soon. The reason is that Blizzard considers the use of Kael’s weapons on other bosses not intended.

i believe chicken has been stealth nerfed, i tried poping it when getting hit by fish in the small water part in vashj room before fight, got hit a couple times before poping it, and no squack. im assuming they nerfed and didnt say because it has always worked before there

Just stop trying to take away everything that is fun or helps melee pump harder.

Griefing the whole raid with PI priest for mages and buff the? with tons of innervates is no problem it seems?

Its all about the player not the class. So people crying about that “chicken op” … take away innervate/pi/hero lust/spriest mana and we will see how good they are.

Intented or
1 they would dissapear as soon as KT dies.


2 We couldn’t go to KT before killing other bosses.

This post screams " Tell me you care about parsing but you’re bad at it, withiout telling me"

All things aside… its getting really annoying at people demanding changes to the game every time there is a mechanic/item or w/e that can improve the parse if used well…
Noone is forcing you to go anything… noone is forcing you to look at WCL to stroke your ego…
If you don’t enjoy it dont do it… Plenty of guilds around that dont care or force people to do those things… Heck when we did our progress raids we had 3 engineers total in the raid … 1 of them goblin…
If you feel forced by anything its you being in a sweaty guild that will always force you do to something in a specific way to squeeze out the best output… so change guilds…
I feel its the casual community being more butthurt about WCL than the parse hungry guilds…

As long as my guild don’t demand from me to make engi I’ll be fine. I still thinks it’s too powerful though.

And I’m pretty sure people are losing their minds over logs because this is the only enjoyable thing in TBC after 1st week of raid tier. After progress there is nothing you can do differently, you just log in every week to do raid chores and log out for the rest of the week until release of the new tier :]

Oh yeah … as opposed to any other expansion out there.

And it’s not really about logs, it’s obviously an abuse. Don’t want to remove it, fine … but make it affect spells too, why wouldn’t casters have 20% free haste too?

The only difference is how easy is to finish raid tier. The easier it is, the sooner parsing becomes number 1 priority.

I mean… again its only more tryhard guilds that force this… if someone doesnt like it - they should find a guild that doesnt require it… Plenty of guilds clear the content without enforcing things like this because the content is not hard in general…
But i see people asking for chicken to be nerfed… to add debuff for lusts… etc etc for every single thing you can do to improve your “parse” its just getting rediculous…

If people only enjoy raid logging and parsing - they should just accept that there will always be people who find a strat that allows them to do it better and will beat the timers…

You are assuming that someone who:

  1. does not want to use Battle Chickens
  2. does not want to use Kael weapons on other bosses

what results in lower parses and more difficult content, is a person who:

  1. cares A LOT about parsing
  2. is bad at the game

I can safely assume that the chickens and legendary Kael weps are the only things keeping your logs acceptable, with you being so aggressive about it. Especially that logs are only a small portion of the problems listed by me. Somehow people mostly tend to react only to the part they care about themselves - logs. Hypocrites.

I dont… neither does my guild do any of those to get decent parses on our kills… We are too lazy to to go kill kael to then go back and kill other posses just to kill them 20s faster…
and the 3 engineers total we have often even forget to use chicken… and noone cares…
If people enjoy doing it let them… dont be a karen…

Heck from what I’ve even seen WCL invalidates logs with kael weps on other bosses

So maybe just add a 30% buff like in ICC WotLK or convert the content to Looking for Raid and be done with it? Skill irrelevant? Check. Gear irrelevant? Check. Consumes irrelevant? Check.

The result of “fixing” this “abuse” is just that casters/ranged will be even more powerful (compared to melee) in an already caster/ranged favoured expansion.

All this will accomplish is that melees will be completely excluded from “parse runs”, which will in turn infect the more casual guilds as well, making them follow suit.

SOOOOO, was it fixed in P3?