Goblin Hate

gotchu fam

haha zane-in-a-box go booOM


That’s why.


I find it pretty inappropriate for leper vulperas to even be allowed to post here.


darn! i done got oofed again!

Might I suggest the PCU? Its a place where neither Vulpera nor Goblin are attacked for what they are(OOC that is).


Edit: Here’s the link to their forums The [PCU] 😈 now recruiting! [250]


You’re absolutely right. We need to start off the disassembly of Goblin hate groups by bombing Thunder Bluff, home of those Tauren who are our biggest critics! So what if you worship some Earth Mother and we just so happen to drill into the earth and have failed to stop using its blood to fuel our inventions even though it’s been proven that it’s killing the planet?!

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Ain’t experienced any hate yet.

If people hate you, you aren’t paying them enough to like you.

What do you mean goblin hate?
Yeah, I kick some of them to the left and the right but we’re just playing! I swear!

If a single stone in Mulgore is harmed by you, I’m calling DHETA. Those druids will take your ears and hands for even sneezing at an animal, imagine what they’d do to you.

Bring it little green man :wink:

Any goblin hate is most likely deserved

this can be arranged…

can’t argue with that

I am a Goblin ally and I recognise the importance if standing aside in this crucial time and letting Goblin Voices be heard.

(That said please subscribe to my gofundme, I care about goblin issues please.)

It’s just that your technology is so bad for the environment…

haha goblin head go pop

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As a neutral Pandaren, I bestow my best wishes to your goblinity people.

A goblin stole my gun :[

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I see you wielding it thou… that is a poor lie.