[Goblin/Gnome RP] B.O.O.M.T.E.C. Incorporated - ARC&D Now Hiring Controversial Casters!

I know a forsaken who might be looking for a new home very soon :eyes:

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Hmm… :eyes:

This Guild is slowly robbing me of my marbles and I wouldn’t have it any other way!


Pssst… These guys are PRETTY dang epic!

You should join us … Nyesss…

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Bilgewater Harbours currently on lockdown with it’s civilians evacuated. Barricades have been put in place, but the Ghouls still riot! Could use all the help we can get, especially from medics and Forsaken!
We are easy to find, Just contact us via whisper or ic if interested! And make sure to give Betzy a pat, she doesn’t bite! :smiley:


Kill jester

I don’t know who this jester is but they surely cannot compare to the majesty and brilliance of Jastor J. TRAUTFIZZLE!

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Does the J stand for Jester?

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I don’t know who this jester is but they surely cannot compare to the majesty and brilliance of Jastor J. TRAUTFIZZLE!

Truly, nobody can compare to the magnificence of our great and beloved leader!

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Hate these mooks ic! but a great guild for all you moolah lovin’ goblins and other horde races looking for work! great roleplay to be had!


If you want a job (semi)reliably and (in)efficiently done (possibly with a lot of explosions and/or dubious science involved), these lot are the right people to ask!

I’d know, I’m one of them!


With Captain Trautfizzle having fallen fighting the League of Modimus and Dirge of Teldrassil in the Ruined City of Ahn’Qiraj, as his soul rests within his soul stone alongside his body in a block of ice- Betti Boomcrank has commandeered the Battalion once more!

Her return promises training, recruitment and a -distinct- improvement in public relations. However, she returns in a time of strife, and now has to wreak vengeance against those who wronged the Cartel whilst warding off those of the Horde who move in the shadows against the Battalion and our allies.

With the New Year incoming, why not try out a new guild? The Bilgewater Battalion is recruiting, now with airborne priests!


We had a great night last night using some NPCs to staff the inn down in Bilgewater Harbour and inviting all of our friends from the Pridesworn over for a night of drinking, scheming, bonding and… Fighting mechanical cockroaches? We’ll definitely be doing more social nights down in the Harbour like it in the future!

Furthermore, as the Forsaken Skullcloaks of the Bilgewater Battalion continue to seek justice for the crimes of Rainwatcher against the Battalion which besmirch the reputation of the Forsaken; things are really looking interesting for our local group of apothecaries and engineers! What is down in the sewers? Where IS all of the ooze coming from that is infecting Bilgewater Harbours sewage? It’s time to find out!

With such ambitious plans on the way for the Battalion and Bilgewater Harbour, now’s a better time than any to join as a Goblin, Forsaken or even an Orc!


A pleasure to be put on trial by these guys. They might need better lawyers, but I’ve heard they got explosives so you should join them and blow stuff up.


After Alvina Rainwatcher (pictured above thank you for the compliment!) narrowly escaped Bilgewater justice in a court room that echoed her sentiments about the Bilgewater Cartel in its corruption, the Battalion are now redoubling their efforts to ensure the region of Azshara is safe once more!

Explosions rattled the Harbour as we did battle with the boldfaced Assemblage of Uld on Friday and tonight we did battle once again alongside our allies amongst the Hand of Conquest, Dustpaw Caravan and Eternal Sisterhood as we defended the Temple of Zin’Malor from an owlbeast cult who wished to use the moonwell to perform a ritual of the black moon!

As we prepare for our next big adventure alongside the Pridesworn, we’ve decided to take the decision to do something quite interesting and start breathing life into Bilgewater Harbour more often with patrols, market stalls and even a night or two where the local inn opens its doors to customers in the making. As ever, we are dedicated to transforming Bilgewater Harbour into a viable Horde RP hub only a stones throw from Orgrimmar.

It’s been a great start to the year for the Bilgewater Battalion, full of intrigue, (in character) drama, adventure and socializing with other guilds. If you wish to join us on our wacky adventures, help breathe life into the Harbour or simply experience our guilds great community, feel free to catch us in Bilgewater Harbour or Orgrimmar or just drop us a whisper, reply to this thread.

Uncle Bedlam wants YOU!


Receives bag of gold.

I whole-heartedly endorse this guild, and or, guilds.


Reliable allies, great to RP with and i’ve been told by a certain peon that they pay well. I’d reccommend them if you fit the bill!


Join us, we have cookies*!

…and by cookies I mean awesome high jinks, low jinks, capers, japers and solid chances of bodily harm!


I’m sure that by cookies you mean borgers.


And, hey! If you are in the mood for journeys to spooky, derelict, cursed facilities in hopes to purge / ransack / study them, while also being haunted by the shadow of death?

…Well then you have weird moods, but the Battalion is also the team for you! We happened to do just that the other day, and it was great!
(It wasn’t even THAT bad, I mean sure, horrific amalgamations of flesh and bones were present, as well as aggressive zombies, but the most damage was caused by an expired fish burger.)