stuff and things
You need to read a rather chunky guide for such a “simple” system.
It literally writes on the vault frame that you have a single choice.
What’s better anyway, one item of disappointment or a choice of three disappointments, knowing you did all that for nothing?
i got a feeling the chance of a item being perfect in 9 choices is pretty slim tbh…
based on how rng works in this game …
and i have no doubt that the vault is most likely configured against the players just like everything else in this expansion.
i will just take anything if its a ilvl upgrade regardless of stats…
Well, if you CBA to read how the thing works that hardly makes it a scam.
And even so… It’s a ‘scam’ compared to what? Because that’s still way better than what we had until now, ie. the M+ Weekly Bracer Dispenser.
Well this was known since last blizzcon. Did you really expect that you could choose 3 items. In a expac that all about loot is loot and less loot.
This is all your own fault.
Last season we had a box for m+ and pvp and we used to get a weekly raid cache so i can see what he is getting at .
So we have gone from 3 caches per week down to 1 for still doing all 3 things .
We did, but it’s better because you aren’t forced to do stuff you don’t like only to keep up. You can simply play the end game you like and ignore the rest.
Well same as your High elf thread is a scam…so -NOT blizzard.
It’s not worth it to do more activities for more choice.
Just do as much as you have fun doing and stop there.
You can even get the same 2 or 3 items in the same vault lol
Is it better than bfa? Maybe
But then again what isn’t …
I’m getting 12 Mythic items, a box of Cuban cigars, two tickets to Hawaii and a lifetime membership to the Goldshire Inn. All from one weekly chest.
People moaned that BFA made you do content you didn’t like to keep up. Ie raiding, PvP or mythic+ to max Ur rewards.
Blizzard now make it so that’s not the case, they simply give more options, players whine they can’t do them all for more gear.
Easy to complain about box now when loot is pretty much always an upgrade. You’ll be thankful for it when the box becomes your only source of upgrades and you actually get upgrades from it due to choice, rather than spending months getting no upgrade due to RNG.
The gear curve has changed, rather than super quick at start and slow as snail at end, it is more consistent overall. Fair enough tbh. Nothing kills incentive to play a character you’ve worked hard on and put time into than having all their gearing based on one RNG Chest pop that never spawns.
And the m+ loot nerf is not even comparable. One item has been lost per run. Only the unlucky ones whine which inflates how big the issue appears. If loot wasn’t dropping, how are people 200+ ilevel?
To sum it up: OP is a dummy.
Tha’s the point.
From 3 loot to 1.
Also, it doesn’t state in game that only single reward from all activities.
And yes it’s scam. There should be at least 2 options from pve and pvp.
I understand what you mean but tbh i do not mind its just a bit of free loot mid week i mean for example you done 10 dungeons you already had a loot chance and your getting an item for free so its no bad thing.
Open up the great vault.
The exact wording is:
Once per week, you may select a single reward
Theres no scam here, just a lack of comprehension.
Not mandatory for whining though. So give the OP a break.
Oh you poor attention hungry troll.