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Hi, sounds like the kind of guild i am looking for. I tried adding you on battlenet to get more info but no luck. What realm are you guys on?

I sent you a friend request in! I’m looking for a social and chatty guild. I’m just a noob, I started playing wow like a few days ago and I know nothing about it.

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Hey all,

We are steadily growing and getting ready for The War Within managed to get keystone master on several alts if anyone is interested feel free to tag along.

@Drakensberg we are on ArgentDawn however with the new cross faction functionality you can join from your current realm no problem the only downside is queueing for random dungeons and LFR you can not do cross faction.

We also have a recently set up Discord for the guild so if you cant find someone online in game you can always join there and then we can look at getting you in the moment someone is online :slight_smile:

We are growing and getting to know everyone in time for the new expansion hype

If we sound like a group you’d like to know more about, don’t hesitate and reach out!

Always on the lookout for more to come join us and see everything there is in TWW for those interested in the raid side of things we plan to raid on Saturday at 8:30pm (Server Time) and are on the lookout for all roles :slight_smile:

I look forward to seeing you in game!

Now that we’re all making our way to level 80, finishing the new story lines and gathering achievements where we can we are still looking for those players who are looking for a new guild to call their own!

Im looking for a more laid back guild to chill this expansion, while still doing some end game content.

I was Just wondering if this was a guild with 100s of people or less as I like to get to know the each people in the guild.

Also do you guys run end game content even in normal or whatever to have a good time?

We are still looking some more people to come chill, The group is total chill with good vibes.

If you need somewhere to call home come check us out.

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We spoke online and already ran some content now!

But for those reading :smiley:

The aim is to be a nice, small group. To really have a community going, big enough to have people on during most regular hours to run content with but not so big that there will be people online you never even spoken with!

We are aiming to run end game content in a progressional way. Mythic keystone Master / hero will be worked towards, raiding on normal and ideally going to heroic too.

With mythics still being closed we are now running Heroics and trying out all specs/classes/roles and still open to anyone who is looking for a new home!

Good evening!

After a long break, fully skipping Dragonflight I am now back and am looking for a more relaxed guild for M+, raiding normal + heroic and for the social gathering.

I have a Monk (Heal + Tank) and now leveling a disc priest as well as a Holy Paladin.

Happy to have a chat with you!


Hey all,

I hope your all enjoying TWW we definitely are, after last nights bee run we now have 8 people all with the bee mount after our little farming session all together (see pic on discord)
If your looking for a place to get to know everyone have fun and enjoy the game with then come and get involved we are looking for DPS on the raid front but I am sure we can make something work so do come check us out and say hey :slight_smile:

Still looking for healers? #Rickman1789


We are looking for anyone that fits are vibe, You can Join the discord or add


We are Also Accepting DPS, Come Join Us we are a wacky bunch, who loves to have good banter, while playing through the game

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On the lookout for more we now have our 10 man raid team ready for our first venture into the first raid we are on the lookout for more people though to round off our team.
We also do abit of pvp and an ungodly amount of dungeons so there is always something happening.

Reach out on Discord or In Game we hope to see you there!

Logged on today to find the guild and discord gone. Strange to happen so suddenly, but I just want to reach out here make sure all is ok and give a focal point for others wanting to connect with friends they made in the guild before it was shut down.

Yeah that was not very nice could even say goodbye to anyone…