Grim Batol (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Cregis Orc Shaman, Archangel and The Valour Legion
I’ll play WoW Classic until i get bored atleast xD hope to see some familiar faces there!

Thedoc Undead Priest, I hate horde, corruption, and a few other guilds while leveling.

Lets remember some good old days…

questing outside scarlet monastery one of my favs…

Abrços para todos. See you all in game

I remember that name! Good to see you. Any clue of any others from WaR? What server/faction you rolling on?


Howdy :slight_smile:

Name: KalToreth
Race: Tauren
Class: Dr00d
Guild: Don’t remeber …

\, //(-_-)

You too! I have no clue what the other guys are up to, but i will be playing horde on Firemaw.

ZOMG Parece que estas threads funcionam! :smiley:

Também estive nos Archangel nos tempos do Vanilla até ao final do Burning Crusade. Entrei como Lain quando estavam no servidor Burning Blade e depois tive de mudar o nome para Haseo quando migraram para o Grim Batol.

Na altura estava a Eloah como GM, o Sirius, o Haze, o Roslin, o Badboyslb/Badgirlslb.

:smiley: Estou no Classic como Nelchael, Undead Rogue FTW!

Searinox, UD rogue in ffaxca then Refusion:)

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Yoo qual e o teu servidor?

My favorite rogue <33

Volt, UD mage from Thunder Brood Clan and then Corruption

Hey there.

Vinchent here - UD Mage from Hi Goat back in Vanilla. I used to play with Bloodhorn (Tauren Warrior, rank 14) and Son (Orc Shaman, rank 14). Would be great to get back in contact with old playmates.

Kakashinor, orc rogue, Wrath and Revenge