tbh i find le wacky druggo rp weird to do in WoW to begin with, the only canonical instance of it i know in the entire game is Bloodthistle, which never came up again after TBC.
While I very much think Guard & Criminal RP is things that can be enjoyed and fun to see out in the world, I think that many times, so many focus on more mature, or well, ‘darker’ sides of crimes or law enforcement.
While there is some room for some of that as well if it’s kept within the CoC and all, I think both criminals and guards should keep in mind to still hold it to a roughly 12+ standard that WoW does anyway.
So smuggling, extortion, shady market, robbery, thievery etc all that. And guards also try and keep alongside this. There are still alot of fun ways for both kinds of roleplay to be creative without going into overtly graphic or out of bounds grim stuff.
One thing I’d like to see more from in Guard & Crime roleplay is penal labour. I know a couple of guilds have existed(or might still exist) that tried/tries to focus on it, and it’s an interesting idea rather than just throw someone in a cell for 3 IRL days.
Super jail too, non magic, can’t break out, can’t do anything.
Im here to wish you the best of luck with your guarding endeavours, and i hope you have fun.
I’ve never RPed as a guard, but i have spent time around them a fair few times, often on the other side of the jail door.
Generally just try to be reasonable i guess, alot of other people here have already given better tips than i could ever come up with, but i have another thing i wanted to voice my opinion on.
I often find the problem with guard RP is not with the guards, but the way people respond to them, if i bring a character into SW and descide to act like a criminal i do it with the expectation that i might encounter a guard, and if i do i will either try a weak escape, or give up on the spot. Unlike how games usually portray guards (seriously, most games they are just cannonfodder2.0) i almost always RP the guards as signifigantly stronger than my own character, they are some of stormwinds finest and their job is to keep the peace, given stormwind isnt a criminal hellhole i’d say lorewise they are doing their job, and anyone RPing with a guard should keep that in mind aswel.
That ties in with the advice i can give you, you might meet some resistance as a guard in the game, also depending on the group your guild belongs to, you might be met with some hostility, but dont let it deter you, having guards around makes the city feel much more alive, best of luck and hope to see you around when i next descide to RP in SW.
While i dont agree with alot of what you say in your post, i think this point is a brilliant gem.
Ultra Anti-magic zones.
That’s fair, but yeah! Creative ways for roleplay with guards/criminals is always appriciated I think, and Penal Labour especially has seemed like a fun idea, and the guilds I saw that worked with it had interesting concepts behind it.
If only the Alliance used one of these on Zul and Talanji… maybe BfA wouldn’t have happened then!
I know right !
Its something that can make interactions between criminals/guards alot more enjoyable for the criminal aswel, leading into doing a bad job on purpose/trying to avoid working while the guard isnt looking.
Thanks for the massive response! Will try and implement as much of what’s been said as possible. Keep a lookout for a riflewoman
And if you are looking for a guild to go along with your roleplay, I recommend the Stormwind City Sentry.
As with any other interaction, create more RP than you destroy.
Stick a pick pocket in a cell and then whine like a little brat OOC when they dip after after an hour or so of no RP from you or your guild?
Pick a different concept, you are RPing wrong.
I second this!
Punish a small-time criminal with something RP generating rather than limiting. Make them sweep floors whilst you laugh at them with a cup of coffee.
And if it’s more serious criminal offenses, then arranging trials, man-hunts or interrogation are all fun ideas.
Avoid the Office of Justice as a Guard roleplayer. They will drop some 21st century malfeasance in office laws on you and make you feel bad both IC & OOC for not roleplaying a Guard their way.
Also just try and enjoy yourself, don’t burn yourself out. A good thing to remember is that just because you play a Guard, doesn’t mean you have to tolerate everyone’s bs.
literally who?
Some salt may or may not have found its way to the forums today.
Just some guild that proved to be the worst thing to Guard roleplay since google documents.
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