Guide for Writing Good Character Profiles

I haven’t decided on a subject for the next guide yet. If I do, then it will likely come out at some point before or around weekend. I actually do have a lot of good pointers for finding top tekker RP guilds, so I might do that. Cheers.


Arguably Worgen can hide in Human form and not be identified. I mean they might be a little hairier than others but that’s really the only give away.

Idk. The scent of urine and raw meat usually gives them away.

Filthy mongrels.

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step 1: faction change
step 2: join your nearest PCU guild
step 3: that’s it, you’ve won



ALso they refuse to eat chocolate or raw onion.

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Well I did that once and we lost the rp-pve event, so I’ll stick to the winning side for now.


I generally refuse to eat chocolate in real life.

I guess this means Worgens are my spirit animal.

Did you even blight anyone though?


Damn it, Sabina.

I fixed it.

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