As much as I can agree with a lot of the points made I would just like to point out that a RP profile is there for you to customize as you see fit.
I for one have a few First Glances that aren’t exactly glances, like my characters’ personality, while others include her weaponry, scars, etc, a list of things that could probably not be considered a glance but at the same time, it can. Just because it’s a paragraph, doesn’t mean its not a glance. It’s just how I choose to set up my profile.
These things are also suggested methods and not something set in stone. A person is free to customize his or her profile according to how they see fit, that’s the point of creativity isn’t it? I’m not saying go and write a full history in your TRP, but at least not limit yourself to single line sentences just because it says ‘glance or a short description.’ A glance implies the action in noticing a detail by the character, not how long it takes for you as the player to read the little bit of information that though is probably a paragraph in that little tab is probably not more than 10-20 words in length if you were to copy pasta and put it into word. Really. xD
While I try my best to tweak and summarize accordingly, there are some things I need in this profile for myself to remember (What is in her first aid kit so that I don’t turn the bag into Hermione’s magical purse) more so than anyone else needs to see. I don’t intend on having a window open with what I do and don’t have somewhere to tab in and out of when I can just pop it into an easily accessible in-game addon.
In a lot of ways, I’m guilty of doing these things, but at the same time, if you’re not in the mood to read my profile, then that shouldn’t limit you to wanting to learn about my character through RP, it’s an optional benefit, not a requirement, and I always look forward to meeting new peeps IC even if I’m a little shy to approach or start. I don’t encourage that everyone should write full length novels, but heck, sometimes a little more than a morsel is nice to read when you’re bored and waiting for that next event or dungeon.
EDIT: OOOOOOF That was long. Ehm.
TL:DR - I agree with some points made, I’m guilty of some too! I personally think its up to me how I set up my profile, regardless. RP with me, I’m a nice person. I like chocolate milk. <3