Oh yeah, for a villain it’s a fantastic mount, big flex.
Not neccesarily. I can imagine DKs or Illidari enjoying similar vile trophies aswell. But I agree it’s not something to put on public display. And even when the Penitents are raising Draenei banners now, it’s hard to defy your own nature. It’s what makes the character concept intriquing to me, being prone to evil, resisting those urges all the time and learning the boundaries. I can absolutely imagine some Penitents to be willing to make Ur’zul or something like this out of defeated “Sargeras’s hooflickers” but the Draenei forbidding it to them. I don’t think it’s wise to assume that high ranking demons will instantly know how to behave with complience to mortal values the moment they changed sides.
Racial thematic picks aside, a good practice that could ensure that vibe of guerrilla warfare against your old masters while the world scorns you would be to obtain a mount that’s easy enough to maintain and obtain given your surroundings.
For example, if you are hunting demons and cultists around the edges of Redridge or Duskwood, obtaining and feeding a horse is likely going to be quite easier than say, a fel-infused alien beast - and with less headaches for your Lightforged attache and other allies to convince the local stable master to let your mount rest within the local stables for the night.
It is obviously not a necessary thing to take into account, but I feel it could add for a nice touch that could enhance the vibe as a whole, if your character doesn’t have a mount already.
The only reason I suggested anything else fel-infused, but not Ur’zhul, is because I assumed that any creature in the proximity of an Man’ari would eventually become fel corrupted aswell!
So them choosing to dominate a fully fel-infused creature over a local, or non-corrupted, mount would be to protect said mount against the same fate their enslaved mounts already suffered through.
Obviously you can then go to the whole ordeal of would you let a suffering creature keep on suffering to protect others from the same pain, or would you put it out of its misery or even try to cleanse/save it
“Just ignore the screams of Agony. My Ur’zul is very happy.”
Fel does have an affect on creatures and even the land itself, so it’s honestly a point I’ve contemplated as well. For my part, Desolaari has an Argussian talbuk for a mount. One of the very-clearly-beyond-help Fel corrupted ones.
Naturally that does little to assuage concerns of ambient Fel and the corruption that might still spread to the land itself, but at least the mount itself won’t sufffer any additional detriments for carrying around a demon on its back. Or so is my rationale, at least!
I’ll throw in my two pence here given I’ve been roleplaying an Eredar before the red skin customisation was a thing.
On the subject of the Ur’zhul: if you’re playing a Penitent, don’t use one. Like, ever. It’s not what you stand for currently, it’s an offence of the highest order to the Draenei (and anybody else that looks at it for more than five seconds). It’s generally a bad idea. If you’re evilmaxxing? Do it and flaunt it.
Anyway, about being a Penitent in my experience and opinion: if you go to hubs that aren’t Draenei, I’d endorse disguising 100% and not only disguising normally but at a meta level: have two TRPs. One for a disguise, one without. The regular joe isn’t going to care that you’re on an eternal path of redemption, he’s going to remember he lost family to demons. You should also ideally never be alone: Vindicators should be monitoring the Penitent constantly to make sure they’re in line. And for that reason: be on your best behaviour. You’re one bad decision away from a Vindicator deeming you lacking, and willing to throw your soul to a Penitent that would gladly set you in line. Demons have been disguising very well even since Classic, so it’s not a barrier to entry. Most Eredar are gifted magically, so you can easily say even your dumb as bricks guy can use an illusion, or use a magic item for it.
You’re essentially an outcast: The Draenei tolerate you for redemption purposes, the Alliance less than that. The Horde will despise you. Even Illidari and other Eredar know that Eredar can’t fully be trusted: they know demons better than anybody else. The Legion remnants will consider you an utter traitor and would love to see you tortured for eternity for it. You should fully anticipate that the only friends, if you can call them that, are people that know enough about demons. So Warlocks, Illidari, other dark magic users. You might be on polite terms with other Draenei, but don’t push your luck.
On the usage of Fel: only if you know 100% you can get away with it. Even if there’s nobody watching you, assume they are. If you’re doing anything remotely dark, I would personally check with whoever’s in charge of what’s going on to see if they’re fine. It shows cooperation at least.
My own personal view on the Penitents redemption: if you’re a relatively old Eredar, you’re an ancient nemesis of Azeroth, the Draenei, and the Light. How many worlds have you personally seen to the destruction, defilement, or scouring to? How much blood is on your hands? How easy do you think you can manage it? It’s a path of pain and conflict. It shouldn’t be for people that want a happy ending. You know you’re constantly watched even as the impulses of the Fel scream at you at times for destruction. 90% of the people likely don’t know just how much damage you’ve caused that can never be fixed. Those people likely hate you and don’t care for why you decided to walk this path. Use that as character growth.
You have a debt that can never be paid and countless lives to make amends for. You should know this. You should act accordingly. You are one invocation of Fel away from losing your second chance.
Demons, if I remember and the lore hasn’t changed, need sources of mana to remain stable or else they wither away. I believe you can drain life for this as well. Remember that you’re going to need this, or a place saturated with enough nether energy, or somewhere fel-aligned. You can handwave this with downtime, but you should keep it in mind. Likewise, the Fel affects people to the soul. It can strip away emotions or dull them entirely until only general demonic needs of destroying and chaos are left. You’re not going to be a whole person, you are broken on a fundamental level. It’s very likely you won’t even recognise what those emotions are when you feel them again, and learning them will be an effort of time.
It’s very fun, but be prepared for conflict, deception, and knowing you can’t go all out. Be prepared to be lectured on redemption from people you don’t think should be sharing the same air as you. You were master of worlds and civilisations. Now, those you hunted have you in the chains. Thousands of years of militaristic dogma, propaganda and proof of your supremacy have been brought down, and it takes a while to acclimatise to anything else. Use that for your character, and maybe show along the way how they’re changing.
I can ramble on more but I don’t need a bigger wall of text, and this is a lot of personal experience and research I did.
I’m not entirely sure about the second part, but wasn’t it implied in Legion, with an Orb that can make Demons act more Demonic, because not every Demon has a natural inclination to Destruction, chaos, etc?
Chaos does not come easily to all demons - some struggle with the ways of the Burning Legion. Those that did will often carried an enchanted orb that invoked the rage required of any good demon. It is not known how the orbs were made, or who made them.
But as Kil put it, or the way I read it at least, the detachment from mortal sentiment is a potential outcome, not a given.
On a somewhat related note, it seems that some demons needed confinement or rehabilitation due to their rebellious nature. Sadly we know little else of that prison-world than its name: Tarratus, a likely play on the mythological Tartarus.
Requesting a sticky for this guide as well.
This one as well mods, c’mon fellas.
I was ready to *(fel-)*rush in here and speak praise of Dark Mistress Repentia and Lady Elosar as examples of Illidari affiliated Eredar(s), but I see several others have already beat me to it.
There is a precedent for it in lore. It is just about roleplaying it in a way that makes it believable. I’ll even go as far as to suggest that eredar in the illidari are on some level considered a servile, due to how it is portrayed in game.
Such stories can naturally be woven in a plethora of ways, depending on the characters at play. I know that I personally, together with my guild, have had a lot of fun storylines with our resident Eredar Sorceress.
It is ultimately all about making it exciting, and weave in the stories so that it makes sense in-world. I’ll even go as far as to argue that roleplaying an eredar has massive, and thrilling potential. All it really takes is the right group of individuals to stick around with, as a casual stroll down stormwind’s streets hardly beckons a demonic entity, something I reckon even most demon hunters take to heart as well.
Anyway, side tangent aside. Good guide! Here’s to all the riveting eredar out there, that roleplay the diabolic concept in an immersive and meaningful way.