Guide on how to have a good time on retail

Good points tbh.

However to play the game like this, shows the idiotic and malign design on Blizz’s part.
The siphon feeding gated design is frustrating.
it is an incomplete game when you buy it on release, but with so called patches they complete it during a span of time.
But of course they can milk the sub fees this way.

But thanks for the tip, I will keep this in mind if a new expansion looms.

Another example of ‘nothing to do’ being so highly subjective that it becomes a non-argument for displeasure.

I tend to do what I need to on my main and then I’ll go and spend time on other things in the game like transmog, mounts, achies etc.

People are all different.

excuse me? apexis shards? what the actual fuсk did not farming apexis impact you in raids or pvp? absolutely nothing - it wasn’t some dumb feature introduced to keep you farming for the entire patch so you can stay up to toe with everyone else in the game because gear is absolutely retarded so they have to make up for it with those stupid farming systems that we’ve had two times so far with next patch coming a THIRD one which will make everything you’ve been farming fro the past few months completely obsolete AGAIN

OK; maybe not Apexis, but there were grinds that impacted Raids.

Again with the expectations; keeping the same gear for the entire two YEARS of an Expansion is taking unrealistic to Elite levels. Maybe if you don’t like mechanics like Azerite &/or Artifact Power, you may want to query why you continue to play WoW? That’s if you have the strength of individuality to even do so…

Well, i find it more rewarding to play for free than to obtain a shiny new epic :smile:

Each to their own… as long as I can train as necessary &/or repair, I - personally - am fine with never reaching gold cap on my account, let alone a single character.

I was never the cyclical player that the OP describes. However, since WoD the game is designed in such a way that feels like waste of time and money if you play since the beginning. I felt it even stronger with BfA, i even prepurchased it, then checked beta and decided that this wasn’t for me. Came back in February and saw nothing had changed so I quit again.
It was only after flying had been added to the game that really got me going again and so far i enjoy it. I am no dungeon or raids player, I mostly enjoy open world and alts so lack of flying totally makes the things i enjoy feel like a total waste of time.
I am afraid OP is right, both Legion and Bfa felt really underwhelming at launch only later patches improved them. As far as Wod is concerned, there was actually nothing to save it, it was a disaster from beginning to end.

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