Guild Bank Missing Items Update

So now the race to world first is over, how about Blizzard to fix this soonish. Or reimburse all affected 10.000.000 gold. They make millions a year in dollars, but cannot fix this. What a bunch off amateurs. My guildbank still empty jeez.


My guildbank has been hacked by Blizzard and has been emptied. Can we complaint or make a class action since we know the perpetrator ? :slight_smile:


Any currency system is based on promises and trusts. You said promises are not binding but it’s not true. You should see that as an implicit contract between the countries and you have to be able to compensate any lost by other resources like gold.


It looks like we’ve already deflated like a burst balloon

There’s a couple of really good posts over on the US forums:


This issue has left me with the sourest after taste & with Blizzard needing to up their game to God level to restore my trust that this will NEVER happen again.

I’m sure a better resolution could have been reached or more could have been done to avoid it, but “it is what it is” & the ball is squarely in Blizzard’s court.

“Do better!” has never felt more appropriate
 “Worried & disappointed”.


Thanks Poison.

Kurnmogh’s post is particularly good. They’re not the only one with multiple decades of fairly senior work in IT under their belt, who thinks that what Blizzard are saying is entirely implausible. I’m pretty certain I could mount a database off the backup, extract it, and produce a full restore by email to the Guild Leader script out of it. And yeah, I’d even test that the mail / post system database had the capacity to cope with the inevitable bloat / load that would incur whilst the output was loaded into it.

It’s really not rocket science - I have no idea how they’re not still in a war-room bashing out how to do this?

  1. Mount the database - moments maybe a few hours of a single FTE;
  2. Produce the script to push out to mail - maybe a week of single FTE with a small proof of concept dataset.
  3. Extract the full dataset - a likely simple script - okay not as simple as use database_xyz and select * from *. but it wont be hard to target the tables rows and columns to get the contents and the Guild Leader - maybe a second FTE working in parallel to task 2.
  4. Validate the extract, establish how much burden on mail database it will incur - scale the mail system - another FTE maybe a half working week.
  5. Then push the validated extract through the mail script to send it into the Guild Leaders mailbox - maybe even do it piecemeal alphabetically by Guild Leader or Guild name to throttle the load it will generate.
  6. Let the Guild Leaders go through the process of dropping out of mail into inventory, then either warband, or guild bank as they see fit.
  7. People get their stuff back at the point it was wiped - anything that was lucky enough to not get wiped gets duplicated - it’s old expansion stuff so wont hurt the present expansion commodity values.
  8. Peoples trust in Blizzard is restored, and people start buying store mounts, Diablo IV expansions, tokens, and resubbing.
  9. Nobody really loses out - and a handful of Devs get resumé highlights that demonstrate incredible value to customers.
  10. Hatalii is naive for thinking this is possible.

Thank you so much, it’s hard to jump from forum to forum to fully understand how many people continue to hit the wall of misunderstanding.


I haven’t received anything in the mail, nor have I received any mails telling me that I won’t be getting anything back. It’s 17 days since the first (and so far only) blue post, and I see that other guilds have received at least some of their missing items, but I see no blue posts confirming that the process is still ongoing or that it has been completed.

Should I assume that all of my items are permanently lost, or is the community team just being bad at communication in this case?


I could tell you it is safe to assume the process is done and we won’t be receiving anything more at this point. But Blizzard has proven it is not safe to assume anything. :smiley:


I still expect to get, like “some players”, a couple of rolls of cloth, or at least leather, dust and even some crystals. It would be nice.
Although what am I talking about. How can this replace rare pets, event mounts, transmogs and many other things.

And by the way, I hope that players from other forums, for example fromUS or RU, also, like us, look through this forum of ours and see that we are in complete solidarity with them in that Blizzard treated us all very badly.

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It’s been 17 days since the lies posted at start of this topic. Still nothing. Not a single copper or cloth. We stopped using the guildbank. Even the warbandbank is not to be trusted. I mean when Blizzard makes a mistake again we lost everything
 again. My faith in Blizzard is about minus 273 grC. If they really cared about the players they should made some effort. Not a 100% silence.


I’m only renewing until the end of the 20th Anniversary event. If the issue hasn’t been entirely fixed by then (“entirely” means that there’s no space for “unrestorable items” and other ridiculous excuses) I will be stopping playing any Blizzard game.
As many before me stated, this corporation grew a terrible habit of backstabbing its players in any game, in any way possible. They’re always throwing terrible excuses and blaming “previous management” or people who left (a few of them for a good reason, like Bobby Kotick and Alex Afrasiabi).
I’d miss these franchises I’ve loved for almost half of my life, but my time and money clearly aren’t that unworthy to be spent here.


Im very
angry , sad ?? Can®t tell what im feeling about this. My Guildbank hasn®t recived even one Item.


Received nothing. 0 in mail.
No anger anymore, only sadness and sorrow. It seems that despair is taking over us all.


I have not received a single item from our guild bank losses - 6 full tabs all gone - I am aware that you have tried to fix this issue but every single guild that has been affected is now seriously out of pocket as all the mats and goods we had would have been vendored or sold in the AH to get funds to top up our banks and free up slots for the new expansion gear, mats etc. As you are unable to fix this issue how about you give a grand gesture of gold to the guilds affected. That at least would go some way to appeasing many of us.


Easy answer to that one. Someone somewhere with the power to say “no” 
 said “no”. There were probably staff saying something very similar to you and others, and there will have been people higher up telling them to shut up and do nothing (or rather, redirect their efforts to something they deemed more worthy of their time).

I used to be one of those people who fully supported Blizzard 
 if they mucked something up, I was confident they’d fix it. If they put out something on the PTR and everyone was ranting about it 
 I’d be the one saying “relax, this is Blizzard, they’ll make it right” 

 I am not.



Neither of our two guilds (one at Thunderhorn, the other on Azuremyst) have received anything back. No mail postings received either. Azuremyst guild lost everything: 7 tabs full of stuff. Thunderhorn lost full 6 tabs and most of the 7th. Nothing returned or refunded.

This hurts most the long time players. The most loyal and devoted ones and their guilds.


Another week has passed and I still haven’t received a single letter with compensation for my two wiped guildbanks. Still waiting.


I, and at least one other guild member (not guild leader characters) received “empty” in-game mails yesterday from Thaumaturge Vashreen saying “We discovered this curious item in one of our vaults, and it apparently belongs to you.” 
 but there was nothing there. I wondered if it was part of their scattergun approach to sending stuff back from the vault, but now they were randomly targetting non-guild leaders with messages of nothing, just to really rub it in :stuck_out_tongue: