Guilds and Tabards

So this is an issue which I believe people are generally aware of. Guild design is a great problem, in my opinion we are far to restricted in this sense which effects the image in which some Roleplaying Guilds wish to produce. There’s too little design choices to be made, 90% of the emblems are a meme, it needs to change and we need new and more:

  • Colours for both background and emblem
  • Guild Emblems
  • Guild Borders

In regards to colour, there could always be a colour palette option in which we use.

In regards to emblem creation there should be far more variety, it’d be nice if we were in the position to create our own logo with different shapes and sizes.

In regards to a border, definitely different textures would be cool and the ability to add to those textures would be really nice.

This is a final thing I wish to add, is longer and more 3d designs for tabards, like honestly the models we use need some form of updating.

Overall I think this change would be neat to WOW as a whole but more specifically the Roleplaying community. I would state the final suggestion is extremely ambitious but the others seem somewhat fine. Blizzard need to change this rubbish tabard system we currently have:


I agree with you here. As a game WoW’s customisation options look limited and old in this day and age.
I think the ability for Role players to create a look entirely new and unique for their guilds can only be a good thing as Tabards are a thing that the player should wear with pride to show off their allegiance…not something that looks like a few random pixels on a coloured background.
At the moment tabards just look flat and lifeless.


If you are familiar with games such as COD where people can create their own logos, even with standard shapes in an approved selection, people will still manage to create obscene images as logos. If Blizzard should allow us to make custom logos, we can bet money on how many male genitals will be spread out through Orgrimmar standing proud on tabards.

Similar to the naming policy - and now Roleplaying profile policy - it shouldn’t be too hard to moderate, simply by reporting it.

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I agree, recently created a guild and choosing an emblem was really difficult because most of them were trash.

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I’d love if my guild banners were actually the exact same colour as my tabard, for in my case they’re a washed out red where it should be a deep red!

I’m all for improvements in customization so I’d gladly see more options for tabards, though in all honesty I have to say that WoW’s tabard design isn’t as bad as most other games I’ve seen. Elder Scrolls Online for example has great options for all sorts of checkered/divided background colours… and then ruins it with detailed but terribly fiddly icons that become all but unrecognizable at a distance, many of them also using lines instead of solid colours.


A solid guild banner aswell would be really cool

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I’m happy with the existing banners, but oh man THE RED!

I’d also love guild back pennants like those PvP Alliance/Horde ones, guild colour horses/other racial mounts, and most importantly guild shields.


Wait, are you saying it’s bad that almost every alliance guild just uses that generic cross as their emblem? :^)

Ahh yes finally - some realistic horses/racial mounts to which we’re allowed a guild banner on.


They should allow us to use symbols like rectangles and circles to create the Symbols we want, sure this would require some policing by Blizzard but it would help Diversify Guilds.


I agree with OP.


I never knew how much I wanted Guild Shields until now. Sigh, Thank you for that.


Agree that the RP guilds would be the first in-line for such a change but I think non-RP guilds would like to have some more options for the tabards and cloaks. Imagine Method running around with a dark grey tabard that has an orange “M” as the logo, I bet alphabet logo’s would be used often for guild tabards.

Also more guild rewards could mean more attraction to the concept of guilds (if we can put those chaotic social-guilds to the side for a bit).


This is how I see things, essentially BFA is time for a whole update to the aesthetic of WOW. As seen Blizzard have provided some awesome new sets as the Warfronts Gear for example, these are the next generation of what Blizzard wants our characters to look like. But the thing is, not everyone wears the Warfronts armour even though it’s high resolution and the dream look for a full plated knight, the tabard shouldn’t be any different but an update to the old system, BFA is the time for Blizzards artistic style to shine alongside that it’s noticeable that these tabards don’t really fit with the new gear - with large shoulders, 3D chests and a belt that clips - the tabard is hardly seen, if they continue to put new armour in the style of the awesome Warfronts gear - tabards will be pretty non existent considering you’re unable to even see them. So yeh that’s my point, just like people farm out old gear for roleplay so too would they still do for Tabards.

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The old arena team system had dozens of emblems and a much vaster colour palette. I don’t know why they never implemented that for guild tabards to be honest.

Thankfully I can just use the Blood Knight one tbh.

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Going to throw this thread a bump

I concur, a tabard / guild cosmetics overhaul is very much overdue.

Everything from colours, to emblems, Bugs (RED!?) to banners.


I have to agree, it feels rather limited rp wise. If ya want to rp a faction or group that does not have a tabard presented, its hard to create one that match.

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I really find it sad that Blizzard never gave us guild shields and so on.

Updated icons and color themes and the list goes on would’ve been a welcoming addition as well.

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