[H] 7 People looking for casual raiding guild

We’re a small group of IRL friends, looking for casual raiding. Clear normal and progress on HC eventually. We’re 2 tanks pala and warr(Both willing to go dps) 2 healers(Shaman and priest) and 2 dps, DH and Balance druid.

We’ve all done different variations of progress, some HC, some mythic, most of us have cleared normal in different xpacs. Played for 10 years, not together tho, we’re not that tight knit, so don’t worry about that. :slight_smile:

We’re a nice bunch, don’t rage or play the blame game. All danish, but more than capable of communicating.

Any replies are appreicated, or tips as to which guilds could suit our needs. If you have a second raid team trying to start up, we could join that no issue.

Morning, I’m part of a guild called ‘outside the circle’ we are also a group of 7 friends who have been playing together for several years and decided to form our own guild as we weren’t having much luck finding a guild on Draenor that was genuinely casual.
So far we’ve killed 3 bosses on normal but are looking to progress through heroic also.
We do have 2 tanks already but if you’re happy going DPS then there should be no issue.

If we sound like the kind of guild you’d be interested in reply here or give me(Erilax) a whisper. :slight_smile:

Hi, we’re a small guild looking to build a tight knit group while raiding one day a week on Sundays 18:00 - 22:00 server time. We’re starting on normal but hoping to get into heroic at some point. We had our first raid last week and due to a few no shows had to pull in some pugs so looking for more for the team to make it more stable. Currently we do have a couple of tanks / off tanks so looking more for dps / healers. We also have a couple of core healers as well so depending on the numbers we might need for a healer to also dps for some raids. Obviously though normal / heroic is very flexible so we can see how it goes and with m+ there’s always chances for all roles.

There’s some more info in [H] <Epochal> One day weekend raid (N/HC), looking to build close knit group.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions or if this sounds interesting, happy to have a chat. If not good luck with the search

Hello m8,

Templars of the Dark is a casual raiding guild with a mix of experienced and semi-experienced players.
I would say our core raiding team could fit really well your group since we are in need of a couple of healers and some more dps.
Raiding times are thursday and Sunday : 20:00 - 22:30 (relaxed raids)
Flasks and guild repairs are supplyed by the guild.
We focus on quality time and enjoying the content without putting to much pressure on our guildies

add me for aditional chat Marinz0#2575

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