[H] A Guild Is Needed. Maybe. Probably

Hello, I’m fairly certain that I’m a little unsure that maybe I probably would definitely like to find a guild for me and my partner. Possibly.

I’m a 441 resto shaman with enhance offspec (Not elemental, enhance… That’s a spec too!) and my partner is a BM hunter recently rerolled from Boomkin. She’s at 426 ilvl but we’re self sufficient and will be gearing her via M+

We’re both 8/8hc, always cleared curve, did a few BoD mythic bosses and raided together since Cataclysm. We’re always active, always social, always up for a chat and love doing m+ with people, or even just transmog farms, always up for anything. Both in our 40s, played since TBC. Both from the UK.

I have plenty of heroic experience, been wanting to dip my toes into mythic but never quite found the guild that will see curve as a ‘minimum’ not a goal. I like to challenge myself and see how far I can push my limits! Pretty experienced with M+ running 14s/15s well enough in both healing and dps spec.

My partner is an excellent player, but at present doesn’t try to ‘push’ herself as I do, in fear of letting other people down (She’s a woman). She’s dabbled in mythic Uldir, but no experience since, and runs +10s etc very confidently. I have no doubt with the right environment where she feels comfortable, she will be topping dps meters and parsing regularly!

We’re looking for a relatively mature bunch that knows how to have a laugh. People who log on and say hello and don’t just log in for raid nights. We play WoW a lot for the social interaction too and it gets pretty lonely with just me and the Mrs. online. We have children so don’t get out much and need some friends!

Whether it’s a new guild or an established one, we don’t mind. We’d like the guild to try out mythic, but not be too concerned if they don’t get CE. Preferably two days per week raiding
Ideally a casual but structured approach to raiding.

Now the caveat is, we can’t raid Thursdays and we have a prior engagement on Sundays which can sometimes keep us occupied until as late as 7:30pm (UK time) The ‘No Thursday’ thing has literally just come about, due to IRL health reasons. Our current guild raids Thurs, which means begrudgingly, we’ll have to leave them.

Is there anything around that may be suitable for us? I know I’m picky! Please leave battle tags and I’ll get back to you!

Hello! i am recruiting for our guild mythic team and i think you two would be a nice addition to it. I am particularly looking for versatile people who can switch between roles if needed. which in your case would be resto/enhance. And for your partner, i personally do not mind if she needs a bit of gearing up if she is as good as you say she is.
Many of our core members are on the mature side and from the uk.
Are we suitable for you? i’ll let you decide.
i’ll leave a link to our recruitment post. contact info can be found in there. hope to hear from you soon.


I see that you guys are looking for a mythic raiding guild but I’m not sure how hardcore of a raiding guild you’re looking for so thought I’d leave a response just in case! We’re a pretty relaxed raiding guild, we raid twice a week on Wednesday and Sunday from 20:00 to 23:00 server time (I know you said you might be a bit later on Sundays but thought I would still present our guild as an option). Almost all our members are over 18 and whilst we take raiding seriously, we also enjoy having some banter and joking around.

We’ve had curve for about 2 months now and due to lack of raiders (THANKS CLASSIC) haven’t been able to get on with mythic progression. But, we’ve had an increase in people recently and are going to start trying out mythic next week. If we sound like a good fit or you want any more info please contact me on bnet: Candycorn#2408 or discord: Candycorn#6356.

Hope to hear from you!

Still looking!

Hi there Oktober

retaliate are currently looking for some friendly and reliable players to bolster are numbers going into Mythic, we are currently 8/8h raiding two days a week fri/sun 8-11pm server time. the rest of the week we run lots of mythic plus from 8s to 15+, where always looking for nice friendly players to join us whether just for mythic plus, raids or having a laugh in chat

We would prob require you to dps more then heal at the moment

If interested you can wisper me in game
Mÿstie, shíka or just ask someone for one of are other officers
You can add me on battle net if ur interested Setana#21724

Hi, thanks for the reply but I’m gonna hold out for a healing spot, dont really enjoy dps

Hey Oktoberfist! Have you found a new home yet? I’m asking as my wife and I are in a similar boat in terms of trying to find new friends via a guild, and while we’re not at raiding just yet (we’re leveling at the moment), it’d be good to hear if you’re still looking or not! :slight_smile:

Hi there!
While I have a feeling that we’re too casual for what you’re looking for, I still thought I’d at least introduce us just in case :slight_smile:

Please check us out and maybe I’ll hear back from you :slight_smile:

if u still looking send me a pm :slight_smile:

Hello, yes we have. Logic on Ravencrest - Very happy here so far! Thanks for all the other replies too

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