[H/A/N Campaign] Ogrepowered; Azerite Island Hopping 🏝️

24/10/2018 00:06Posted by Gustov
Some kind of goal that would specifically benefit a guild or group of likeminded independants that would not necessarily be in the interests of either faction would be great. Whether it's just getting a hold of their own sweet sweet Azerite or something else, I'm open to discussion about it.

You know it! I'll get to writing some potential secret goals as well.
Why not. This looks promising.

Guild name: Duskwatch Outriders
Guild officers/reps: Styrros, Lianodel, Neshyn, Juveil, Adlis
Estimated attendees: 9-10
Faction: (H)
Guild name: The Bloodstained Unity
Guild officers: Teranhoya & Vealo
Estimated numbers: 10-20
Faction: Horde/neutral

Let's do this!
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I'll sign up the Peons, since we need a campaign to sink our teeth into.

Guild name: Orgrimmar Peon Union
Guild Officers: Gonk, Womp and Domp
Estimated numbers: 2-4
Faction: Horde

Sidenote: We probably won't be a mainstay since our peon characters tend to be alts of more 'official' members, but we'll try to offer some RP here and there.
Foreman Zog tell Domp he get holiday to ogre island, yay!
Can individuals sign up for this as well?
Individuals are free to attend, guild sign-ups are more to help me keep track of relative numbers and who I might ask about being the host for their faction in case of sickness or hosts not being available on a given date.

Edit: Also, updated the sign-up post - should have everyone listed now! Do give me a poke if I missed anyone.
This looks interesting.

While the Crimson Sun Brigade are neutral and have no interesting in Horde vs Alliance, we have been plotting Azerite-gathering events. For the purpose of bringing it all to Khadgar/Magni/Azeroth's Heart thingy. We'd rather the planet not blow up, you see.

Assuming the neutral plots/objectives can work with our For Azeroth stance, we'd be happy to attend.

Guild name: Crimson Sun Brigade
Guild officers/reps: Koranith
Estimated attendees: 4-8 (Subject to change)
Faction: N
23/10/2018 22:13Posted by Rogmasha
23/10/2018 18:24Posted by Théón
If this goes to RP-PvP, I'll bring the Seventh down ^^

23/10/2018 21:26Posted by Wilcöx

Nightfall will join in as well, for the RP PvP. If you will have us.

For those saying they'd be good with attending from Alliance, could I hear from you whether the dates work for you as well?

Preliminary dates are: 26th of November to 2nd (or 9th if extended) of December.

Fine with me, yes ^^
Guild name: Voice of Azeroth (multi-guild cross factional community)
Guild officers/reps: Morvuk (more being confirmed)
Estimated attendees: 10 (More exact estimation currently being made)
Faction: (Neutral)

The desciples of Magni are coming to town with our brazen disregard for anything other than filling azeroths chamber with glowing crystals!
What a time to be alive when there's more Horde and neutral attendees signed up than Alliance! No rush to the Alliance, the campaign is still a while away after all.
24/10/2018 12:53Posted by Solonis
Where would such a Organisation and or persons camp given how the map is divided in a majority for Ogres...

Not a stupid question at all! Notice the campaign map listed is a sample; if we get enough neutrals to present a full faction (it sure seems likely at the moment), we'll split the map up a bit more, add story justification/objectives and potentially change some of the action mechanics around to ensure people have the mechanics they'd need.
Would there be an option for us as pirates to partake in it for our gain as a neutral faction? We could possibly discuss further ingame or via discord.
24/10/2018 13:10Posted by Hongju
Would there be an option for us as pirates to partake in it for our gain as a neutral faction? We could possibly discuss further ingame or via discord.

There's already a privateer guild, sounds like - so we can probably figure out a pirate-y faction! I'll be setting up a Discord over the weekend and reaching out to the signed-up guilds so we can get to talking which other factions are practical to set up, and what kind of objectives they'll have.
This looks pretty, pretty good. I could see myself piggybacking along with the guilds as an individual.
Guild name: Song of Honour
Guild officers/reps: Gakorash, Kerrda, Oathsworn
Estimated attendees: 5-10
Faction: H
24/10/2018 13:15Posted by Rogmasha
24/10/2018 13:10Posted by Hongju
Would there be an option for us as pirates to partake in it for our gain as a neutral faction? We could possibly discuss further ingame or via discord.

There's already a privateer guild, sounds like - so we can probably figure out a pirate-y faction! I'll be setting up a Discord over the weekend and reaching out to the signed-up guilds so we can get to talking which other factions are practical to set up, and what kind of objectives they'll have.

Alright sounds good! Maybe we can have some kind of villain role, sabotaging other guilds, as we try to steal what is rightfully ours ;)
Guild name: The Frozen Requiem
Guild officers/reps: Ravendar, Bornevalesh and Virol
Estimated attendees: 3-8
Faction: Neutral/Alliance (Might be enlisting a bit for RPPVP depending on how it plays out)

Looks awesome though Rogmasha and especially even more awesome if we'll be able to use Ashran for our events. Even if it wasnt that great of a BG for us melee it was still hella impressive visually.
Guild name: Footman
Guild officers/reps: Matheson, Arnault
Estimated attendees: 5-7
Faction: (A)

Dates are fine, campaign looks great! Good choice of zone, too.
Guild name: Red Venturers
Guild officers/reps: Watrus, Khaltarr
Estimated attendees: 2 - 5 (ooc; alt swapping may occur)
Faction: Horde!