[H/A/N Campaign] Ogrepowered; Azerite Island Hopping 🏝️

29/10/2018 20:16Posted by Tedde
Might I enquire to who the coordinators are for the Alliance side of the campaign?

None have been picked yet! I'll be sending out campaign discord invites over the week where we can congregate and properly figure out the behind-the-scenes stuff.

Also, everyone should be added now!
The Adventurous Journey has been gathering allies and equipment, and are coming to the
Organisation name: The Adventerous Journey.
Offers/representitives: Sarikke
Estimated number: 15+
Faction: Alliance.

We come to hunt the Lich Queens minions, and we're sure it'll be a blast. ;)
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This has been something my guild and I have been looking forward too for a while. The Order of Ashryver will throw its lot in the Alliance as always. Those dates are good for my people.

Guild name: Order of Ashryver
Guild officers/reps: Marianné, Davetth, Artaud
Estimated attendees: 10+
Faction: Alliance
While just an individual showing up, i would be happy to help out with things on the Alliance side. Have co-DMed for a campaign or two hosted by Orras before, all that.

Alliance side, by the way.
I might be around for this
Guild name: Belore Fortuna
Guild officers/reps: Âimee ( captain )
Estimated attendees: 8-10
Faction: (HORDE)
I'm gonna start spreading the Discord around a bit more now that we have the basics in order - also our third faction has finally gotten settled!

Privateer-Azerite Accord

"Mister Brunswick.

Through various acquaintances we seem to share I have been made aware of your company. As you may be aware there has been word of Azerite being found on the isle of Stonemaul. The Voice of Azeroth, a group dedicated to the healing of the world by the securing of Azerite to be fed back into the world.

The voice however cannot contend with the forces on this island so we wish to requisition your assistance in defeating the threats to this world. Your payment may be discussed in anywhere up to 50% of Azerite claimed.

Light's Blessings
Sir Morvuk Anvilfist."


1) Privateering can only ever take hold of the island again if they have access to a harbour. Hold access, by conquest or agreement, to either the Horde or Alliance harbours.

2) If no Azerite for Magni can be secured, this accord would have basically been a failure. Secure at least 6 extractions of Azerite by the end of the campaign.

Edit: And while you're here, the new map!

Guild name: Goldthorn Pathfinders
Guild officers/reps: Kothos, Dyzah, Rookthorne, Barmón, Malívous
Estimated attendees: 4 - 10
Faction: (A)
If individuals can sign up, I'd love to do so!

Sir Jack Asheton, Alliance side!
Why hello everyone! Another sing-up incoming.

Guild name: The Rule of Three
Guild officers/reps: Morrowburn, Inneia
Estimated attendees: 3-5, but we will be joining with Rasrors' Adventurous Journey and may be counted into their estimate already. This is mainly a formality.
Faction: (A)
07/11/2018 17:54Posted by Morrowburn
Why hello everyone! Another sing-up incoming.

Guild name: The Rule of Three
Guild officers/reps: Morrowburn, Inneia
Estimated attendees: 3-5, but we will be joining with Rasrors' Adventurous Journey and may be counted into their estimate already. This is mainly a formality.
Faction: (A)

Have you guys been added to the discord?
Hope this is not too late!

Guild name: The White Ravens
Guild officers/reps: Duramortem and Valtroiss
Estimated attendees: 5+
Faction: Horde!
darn. if only i wasnt having surgery on the 26th i would've come along. gl, hf though!
hope you survive your surgery - it is less fun to die in the game Real Life than in WoW - supposibly nobody figured out that mechanic of reviving yet. :'D
Hello! I'm going to sign up as a individual if I can of course on my Lightforged Mage which remains a stalwart member of The Army of The Light.

Researcher Jinaara, Alliance side!
11/11/2018 02:49Posted by Murkresh
darn. if only i wasnt having surgery on the 26th i would've come along. gl, hf though!

We'll be going for at least a week - maybe two - so there's plenty of time for late arrivals!
Guild name: The Hand of Agony
Guild officers/reps: jorríck, Iztok, Demingsworth, Jakie and Locknrot
Estimated attendees: 8-10
Faction: (HORDE)
Greetings Rogmasha, I hope it is not yet late to sign up. Thank you for your patience either way; we needed to figure out a certain story direction in the guild before committing. :)

If we are still welcome, please find bellow the info!

Guild name: Spire Division Zero
Guild officers/reps: Ðawnseeker, Aumellia
Estimated attendees: 8+

Thank you!
I'd like to sign myself up as an individual for this, and also one more who may join me if that's alright.
Yarr, what amazing concept!
Guild name: Fishbone Marauders
Guild officers/reps: Yarrharr, Conley and Pirateoi.
Estimated attendees: ~5
Faction: (N)
If the Fishbone Marauders prove successful in their pursuit of restoring their crew and getting themselves a proper ship again, new goals must be found, a grim look on the horizon.