[H] Casual Resto Shaman LF active guild


I’m a semi-casual Resto Shaman coming back to the game. Started playing in Cata and stopped in BfA. Cleared (current) Heroic level content from MoP through to Legion.

I’m looking for a guild that’s active, friendly and sociable, mainly to run M+ with but I could decide to raid later on. My ilvl is very low for now because I hit 60 about 2 days ago.

Currently on Argen Dawn Horde but willing to server transfer. Not up for Alliance though!

bnet: Josepp#21970

hey there we run M+ weekdays and raid weekends we are a small guild right now be we are growing and we have no problems helping ppl run content if that sounds any good for you u can msg me on discord or read our post for me info [LFM] [EU] [H] [draenor] [M+] [Raid] Relaxed social Guild recruiting :slight_smile: