(H) Casual thinking of playing alot more in SL LF mature and fun guild

Greeting fellow players

I have played casually WoW for years ( Alliance), but now I had 3 friends join the game and they insisted going Horde. After all these years I`m actually feeling its time to try something new and are now thinking of a realm to join, but one of my main thing that, that realm has to have is fun guild I can join.

Im looking for active guild that does raiding because Im starting to learn tanking and would love to be ready for it by shadowlands ( so far only played dps and a bit of healing). Would be awesome if guild would have like achievement runs, drunk streams ( with my old guild we got on skype, got drunk and did alot of fun stuff and it was awesome) and even a bit of PvP would be nice, because Im also looking to get more into PvP.

Little bit of myself - I am 23 years old and live in Estonia. I speak English so guild should also be English :slight_smile: . Currently working and have 7 hours a day to play wow and whole weekend. I love long and interesting chats and listening to metal.

I`m open to play any class that guild needs (would be nice if its the tank spec), so if you think I may be fit to join your guild then let me now In game - TaffelHearts#2167 or just leave a comment down here and I will personally message you.


We could use some more players for our guild. We tend to play a ton and discuss the game a lot in our Discord, both in text and voice. If you are interested in raiding and our recruitment post sounds good then add me on Discord/Battlenet. We’re mostly looking for DPS/Heals at this point.

Hello fellow metalhead :smiley:

I run a horde guild on Draenor called Strange Loop. We were initially founded as a reroll guild, but have since expanded into HC raiding, with plans to move on to mythic in SL - but we’ve still got our friendly and relaxed atmosphere :slight_smile: You’ll regularly find 4-5 people hanging out in discord. We are currently farming Nya (curved) on Saturdays 21:00-23:00ST as the mood takes us (everyone’s a bit fed up of the tentacle fest patch!)

Unfortunately we’re full on tanks for the raid team - but our tanks are very helpful and would be happy to teach an aspiring tank for mythic+ :slight_smile:

If this still interests you, I have added your bnet (Syngian#2541) and we can have a talk!