[H] DPS/Tank Warrior LF Heroic Raiding

Hey y’all. I’m here to find a guild with more of a focus on the community rather than the progression side of things. I can raid any week day with raids starting no earlier than 20:00 game time.

I’m comfortable on Heroic, but can also carry my weight in Mythic but I doubt there’s many laid back Mythic guilds out there. Anyway, I’ve got plenty experience playing this game, hardcore raided back in Cata then took a raiding hiatus til Legion where I got Heroic curve every tier.

I am currently on Twisting Nether, I don’t mind server changing but I would like to be able to raid/hang out with you all til I’m sure we’re a good fit. I am also open to playing Alliance, got a couple toons at 120 there but they’re pretty far behind so would take me awhile to catch up.

So that’s the info most of you want, but this is what I need from you and your guild: Community. I don’t demand to see 20 people online in WoW at all times, mainly just a hub of some sort the guild is active on - Discord for instance.
As much as I like WoW, being able to play other games with the guild too would be great. This is what I’m after first and foremost, if you’re just after another name in your progression team, I probably won’t be interested beyond the first raid.

I can go into more detail via messages, just leave your tag or recruit thread here and I’ll get in touch if I think we’ll be a good fit. Thanks for reading 8)

Hey there :wave:

I’m looking for a few more folks to join The Forgotten Few on alliance side Arathore/Hellfire server.

We’re a relaxed, mature (20 plus), guild with a really good vibe and friendly atmosphere. We raid to get curve each tier (and always do) but in our own time.

Tbh, we’re a guild that ended up raiding (something to do with friends) rather than a raid-guild per se, it makes a difference on the social side.

RE discord, we have an active discord and makes exptensive use of it, but no other games really (I think someone started a destiny 2 …clan? In Legion, possibly, not really my thing tbh).

If it sounds interesting there’s a much better description here on our recruitment post:

Good luck with your guild search

Hey there, please add me for a chat.


Hey, please add me on discord Krämpaj#7865 for a chat if you haven’t already found your guild! :slight_smile:

Hi there! I am one of the officers for Wrath of Wisdom on Shadowsong (Alliance side). We’re a semi-casual guild that has gotten curve and about a quarter to a third of the kills on mythic on every tier since legion. As of now we are 8/8 heroic and 4/8 mythic. We also regularly clear 10+ and even 15+ keys. Feel free to look us up on wowprogress or raiderio.

We have a strong sense of community, and theres usually people online doing stuff at almost any time of the day. If this sounds interesting, feel free to add me on bnet at arythm1a#2722. Hope to hear from you!

Who are we?

Scavengers is a (8/8 HC) Guild that was just about to transition into mythic when we lost most of our members to burning out now some of us are back from our break and looking forward to build a team for mythic TEP and a team for future content.


Scavengers has an active discord where people do content outside of the raids and play other games together as a community.

How is it during raids?

We like to banter and meme, but we are more serious during boss fights to get the things done.

When do we raid?

We raid Thyrs & Sun from 20:30 to 23:00 server time (CET).

We are looking mostly for specific classes. These classes are listed below. But any class/spec application is still welcome, as officers will look at the application none the less.
We do accept socials and alts, to also join in on alt runs and have a good time!

Death Knight *[DPS: High
Demon Hunter [DPS: Closed | Tank: Closed]
Druid [DPS: High | Tank: closed | Healer: High]
Hunter [DPS: High]
Mage [DPS: High]
Monk [DPS: High | Tank: Closed | Healer: open]
Paladin [DPS: High | Tank: closed| Healer: open]
Priest [DPS: Medium | Healer: open]
Rogue [DPS: high]
Shaman [DPS: Medium | Healer: open]
Warlock [DPS: High]
Warrior [DPS: High | Tank: closed

Interested? Whisper Jahychan or Fhiala in Game!
Or add me on Battlenet: notyourfault#21908

Still looking, just a reminder I’m after a guild that’s interested in adding players to it’s community to do WoW stuff and other games ideally.

Cohors Vuluae is a newly formed guild of mythic raiders looking to experience the most challenging aspects of wow. We aim to create a fair and motivating environment for progress.

We have recently moved from Alliance on outlands to Horde on Draenor, Currently we are looking to recruit dps and a tank to join our ranks and our raid team to start mythic EP, as well as preparing for Ny’alotha

We expect all members that join to be able to use voice chat and have some understanding of their role/class, but we are always happy to help people that are in need.

We run EP heroic on Thurs/Sat between 7pm-9pm
EP Normal 7pm-9pm actively running m+ while we’re gearing up for 8.3

So if you want to join a guild of chill Vuluae’s, have a sense of humour & aged 20+ drop a message in game or on discord.

pogodamonkey#2210 [battle.net]
pogodamonkey#8073 [discord]

Hey Haidan!

Casual Pizza Cats (Horde, Bronzebeard-Aeriepeak) is actually a laid-back Mythic guild, believe it or not :smiley: We are a social guild that also happens to do solid Mythic progression (we are currently 4/8 Mythic and progressing on Orgozoa).

Apart from our raids we have other in-game events like transmog runs and M+, but we also do stuff like have a Music Quiz through Discord, and in our Discord server we have channels for other games such as LoL, Minecraft, or whatever other games guildies are currently hyped about and want to play together.

Basically our “thing” is that of course we’re always looking for Mythic raiders to join our ranks, but even more than that we’re looking for cool people to join our community as a whole :slight_smile:

If you’re interested, you can check out our Discord server, where you can also find our application form: https://discord.gg/eaGrEjM

If you have any questions, you’ll be able to find me in the Discord server (Laura / Orruuc)!