[H] DPS/Tank Warrior LF Heroic Raiding

Hey there :wave:

I’m looking for a few more folks to join The Forgotten Few on alliance side Arathore/Hellfire server.

We’re a relaxed, mature (20 plus), guild with a really good vibe and friendly atmosphere. We raid to get curve each tier (and always do) but in our own time.

Tbh, we’re a guild that ended up raiding (something to do with friends) rather than a raid-guild per se, it makes a difference on the social side.

RE discord, we have an active discord and makes exptensive use of it, but no other games really (I think someone started a destiny 2 …clan? In Legion, possibly, not really my thing tbh).

If it sounds interesting there’s a much better description here on our recruitment post:

Good luck with your guild search