[H] [Draenor - EU] Preservation Evoker looking for active guild

as stated above I’m a preservation Evoker looking for a active guild, my main interests are raiding and running M+ keys, I tried the in game LFG tool (wanted to give things a fair shake) but lets just say I didn’t have much luck, things there seemed more semi political then gaming oriented (time and place people).

When can I Raid: Most days after seven would fit me fine however I prefer to keep my Saturdays free for friends and family.

How often can/want to raid: 2 nights a week would be optimal.

Goals: I’m used to clearing HC level content in past expansions, but perfectly fine with clearing normal first, not looking for handouts or boosts.

A short summary about me in WOW , I have played the game on and off since Vanilla’s prelaunch event, in that time I have played Mage, Shaman, Priest and now Evoker.
I’m currently 389Ilvl and 1600+ rating in M+ after little over a week of pugging key’s to get some gear, and even though pugging can be fun and frustrating at the same time I don’t really want to pug raids.

Feel free to whisper me in game, don’t just send me invites, I have the autoblock turned on, and I don’t want to buy anything.

Hope to be hearing form sane well-adjusted adults


Hello there! from your describtion i can say we can be a great fit for you if you at some point you are willing to transfer to our realm Nameless#7697

Ofc open for cross realm cross faction, even cross dressing, I’m just liberal that way.
But I’m not transferring.

if you’re a social guy that’s looking to have some fun ingame and get to know new people, feel free to have a look here: [H] Draenor: Casual Heroic Raiding Guild <Sudden Wipe> Recruiting

Disciples Dawn is raid guild formed a month back, we have cleared NM twice and started HC progression currently 3/8. We are looking for HC ready/experienced players to top up our DPS Range or Melee at this time, however melee is priority. We also need a healer either a Paladin, Priest or Monk.

We do have a structure in place so we can get what is best for the guild, and we expect everyone to pull their weight. Be that through prior planning or doing their best within the raid itself.

Due to the nature of the guild being on the older end we must ask all members are 17+, English speaking and also have access to a mic/discord.

Raid Schedule

Weds/Sunday - 2030 Server Time Start
Tuesdays are an Optional Raid day for Alts or Final Clears
Optional NM Run for Alts is fluid and added when possible.

Mythic + Dungeons

These will be set up within the teams and no set schedule is in place, however Raid Leaders and or officers may wish to set these up properly.

Thank you,

Feel free to reply here or contact myself or another officer on Battlenet found below.

Add me here> Battlenet SFD#2195
OR Add Fennex at BN: Nathor#2996

Take a look at [EU] [H] [Draenor] Returning and new players looking for raiders / socials - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)