[H] [Draenor] <miasma> 3/10M recruiting to expend roster

Greetings and thanks for showing interest in our recruitment post.

We are Miasma a casual 2 days raiding guild, that wants to expend our raid roster. Our raid nights are Sunday and Tuesday from 19:00 to 22:00 server time.
our guild exist out of a lot of different people with a lot of different personal lives. This makes that we don’t mind if people are not able to attend 100% of the raids. It will make things easier if you can but we don’t worry much about it.

We are a friendly community that wants to expend. we are now at 3/10 mythic. we expect everyone to have an understanding about the fights that we are doing and about your own class and spec. We always try to have a friendly and fun raid without getting punished for mistakes. Even though we try to keep it this we, we still expect improvement from players. That are willing to aim high and are willing to put the effort into getting better, so you have to be open to get some feedback with repeatedly mistakes made. With other words we need to see improvement after failing repeatedly. We have a guild with some top notch raiders so we are always willing to help where needed.

Currently we are looking for any exceptional player. So if you think that you got what it takes in your own role. Let us know and we might find a spot for you in our raid roster.

We have closed our recruitment for tanks.

Next to WoW our guild likes to socialize with each other by doing other games. Therefor we hope that you can fit in our community and have a fun time as we do. So if you are looking for a guild where community is prior to hardcore raiding. Then this is the place for you.

if you are still interested in joining, please contact us in the following way.
please allow us some days to get back at you. We will always give an answer though.

Battlenet ID:


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Sent you a friend request to discuss my application - look forward to hearing from you!

still looking :smiley: