We are the guild “Temporary Solution” and our current progress is 8/8 hc and 4/8 Mythic. Our goal is to raid mythic in a real life friendly, toxicity free environment and this might be a bit slower than other guilds.
We are currently looking for:
-ranges (except boomi and ele)
-a warrior
-dps with heal OS
Our raiding days are Wed+Sun 20.30-23.00
And our raids really end on 23.00, no “one more try”, no “those who want can stay”. We’re done at 11 
We do look for ppl who fit our mindest and want progress in a comfortable environment. No flaming, no toxicity and no kicking/benching for mistakes.
If you are interested and:
-can take wipes without raging
-want to improve and help others to improve
-don’t play for logs, but to kill the boss
-know how your class/specc works
-have 425ilvl and 55 neck level
-have hc xp
then add me and we can have a chat 
Join us we are still looking for more ranged dds 
Still in dire need of more ranges. Mythic experience not necessary, just the will to improve 
Looking for more dps and a disc or shaman healer
just add me 
Looking for ranges
Add me if you are interested 
We are still looking, especially for a competent and reliable mage 
Since we have to rebuild a bit, we also need some melees atm 
Not looking for a skilled tank? I got a rogue too, but really prefer to tank.
Might be able to bring 2 friends to fill in some other spots.
Bnet: Klepto#2550
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Also looking for an expereinced tank and some healers 
Looking fo more reliable ranges for our roster 
Hey there are you guys willing to take a 400ilvl Fury Warrior can contact me on
Still looking for more reliable ranges
also regarding 8.2 
Finally got Opulence down 
Now we’re gonna go for Conclave and we still need more ranges and a shaman healer 
Still looking for ranges, especially a hunter!
Looking or more reliable dps and a shaman healer! 
Looking for a reliable and competent shaman healer 
Still looking for more ranges for our mythic roster 
Looking for a reliable shaman or druid healer again
and some more ranges 
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Hello there! I’m a Resto Druid and I would love to join ur roster sinse on my guild people aren’t really that appealing to raid with.
Looking for a shaman healer again, since our last one decided to join the enemy