Suboptimal is a relatively new raiding guild formed at the end of BFA, with the aim of creating a relaxed, fun atmosphere with an effective raid team to push into mythic. Although we started as a fairly small group of friends from a previous guild, over the previous couple of months we have grown into a medium sized community and filled out our raid team with a mix of newer and more experienced raiders eager to get into harder content whilst maintaining our fun, relaxed environment filled with “healthy” banter.
Raid times:
- Monday: 22:00-01:00 ST
- Thursday: 22:00-01:00 ST
- some optional runs, usually on Saturdays
- 10/10 N
- 5/10 HC
Currently recruiting:
- 1x Healer (Preferably Resto Shaman)
- 1x Ranged DPS (Preferably Lock/ Boomie/ Spriest)
Note that the above are preferences, not requirements. We want the player, not the class.
Some raiding experience is expected although not necessarily in mythic. We are not recruiting for the bench here, so after passing a trial based on performance and personality fit you can expect to be offered a starting raid spot with our team.
Expectations of raiders:
- Keep your main maintained to a raid ready level
- Come with a good progression mindset and cooperate with raid leadership
- Try to improve your own performance to help the raid succeed
- Attend consistently (sometimes things come up though, that’s fine
- Perform well enough to contribute to the raid and not detract from it
- Respect each other’s time
Outside the raid:
The guild’s community, in game and in discord, is its backbone and so we are always happy to welcome social members or those who wish to join to take part in non raiding content! If you want more information or an invitation to join as a social get in contact with us and we will try to sort you out .
Other content:
- Collectors: we have some pretty avid collectors in the guild and are happy to welcome more, and would be happy to help organise events for people who are interested in getting mog or achievements
- M+: Many of us are interested in trying to push M+ in this expansion, so in addition to the normal guild keys we may be looking at forming one or more static push teams within the guild
- Other games: a lot of us play other games together, so if that’s something that you do you may find some overlap in our steam libraries (although weve all been quite busy with SL recently)
- PvP: Although i’m not the most avid PvPer in the world we do have some folks interested in murdering other players, and we would be more than happy to connect people together and organise events for PvP if there is appetite for it!
If you would like to get into contact with us for more information, to join as a social or to apply to join the raid team, feel free to message Drakshal#2292 or the officers Mortibus#2991, Dataless#2252 and Husker#2173 on bnet.