[H] [EU] [Draenor] <Terror> -1/8M Recruiting 1 Tank, 1 Healer & DPS - Fri/Sun 9PM-12ST Raids

Terror is a social raiding guild that started at the beginning of The War Within by a bunch of friends that have played World of Warcraft ranging from Vanilla and on wards. We are currently looking for a Tank and a healer alongside a couple DPS to bump up our raiding team. We are looking for raiders with past experience who have a sense of humour, but will take the raiding hours seriously and come with consumes, enchants and the appropriate head on the shoulders.

We raid on Fridays and Sundays Between 21:00ST to 00:00ST, we take part in pushing mythic+, PvP and Transmog/achievement runs and other games on non raid nights.

Current open recruitment for raiding(others might be accepted depending on the person):

Aim is for a 20 man comp at 2/4/14. Currently 1/8M

Holy Paladin
Resto Shaman

Frost/Unholy Death knight
Enhancement Shaman
Feral Druid
Enhancement Shaman

Shadow Priest
Augmentation Evoker
Dev Evoker
Balance Druid
Elemental Shaman

We have a very active discord and play a range of games like LoL, EFT, CSGO etc

Please message an officer in game or join our Discord if you need any more information or want to have a chat!

Discord /zMxJz7pk6w
Bnet - Eariocylla#2856

Officers IGN: Eari, Ashen & Setryn

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Hi, could you possibly be interested in a resto Shaman? Came back after 5 years, lot of past M+/CE experience, now at 584 ilvl. Also UK based.


Currently full for resto shamans mate sorry!

Still looking for these classes

Still looking for new players. :slight_smile:

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We want new friends!