[H] [EU] Gandling <Betrayed> brand new TBC guild recruiting

TBC Classic guild Betrayed [H] Gandling EU New TBC project is starting recruitment today! There are a lot of months ahead of us, and we’ll be ready for the opening of the Dark Portal! Newcomers and Classic players, come get prepared with us!

Our way
Betrayed is a newly formed guild. We aim to gather veteran players with busy real life, build a solid roster and clear every TBC content available quickly and, most importantly, efficiently. Our quality standard is high, and this allows us to keep a relaxed schedule that can cope with our real life regardless the difficulty of the challenges that are waiting for us.

Who are we looking for?
Our ideal raider is an experienced veteran, strongly motivated to play again TBC until the Sunwell will be purified from the fel corruption of the Deceiver! You have deep knowledge of your class and of the game in general, but you have limited play time and therefore you want to maximise it by being member of a well organised guild with other skilled players. Lvl 60 or fresh player it doesn’t matter, if you’re dedicated you are welcome here! We also have a Social rank for people who likes to randomly login and still enjoy a friendly and skilled guild environment!

What we offer?
The best thing we can offer to you is a strong, highly motivated guild leadership. The Burning Crusade is our favourite game of all time, and we will make every possible effort to put our project in the position to succeed. We aim to create a cohesive group of skilled players who have fun playing together, while clearing all the PvE content smoothly and steadily.

Raiding schedule
We plan to raid on a 2/week schedule during weekdays, with raids starting slightly after prime time at 21:30. Raids will be over at 00:30 (server times).

For more informations about us, come visit our guild discord htt ps://discord.gg/FKfjtTscRR (remove space) or PM me directly Dal#8844!

you are not prepared


Some guys are already leveling mains/alts, gold farming, while some others are waiting for the pre patch to hit.
At the moment, we have still open spots for the following class/specs:
1x Arms Warrior
1x Feral druid
1x Hunter
1x Holy Paladin
1x Retribution Paladin
1x Holy Priest
1x Shadow Priest
1x Enhancement Shaman
1x Restoration Shaman

Note that every application will be always considered.

Update: roster is strenghening. Still high demand for Resto Shamans and Holy Paladins. Also looking for a high attendance Boomkin :slight_smile:

New update:

At the moment we are doing a lot of activities in the game even now that we are still in preparation mode. Leveling characters and professions, gold farming, stockpiling useful mats. Even gearing max lvl characters by joining realm pugs, since it will help us leveling in the Outlands. Don’t forget Blood Elves character creation will be available soon! As you can see, we have potentially lots of reasons to start playing right now, and in the meantime we are getting to know each other!

Still looking for dedicated players, either lvl 60 or fresh characters.

High demand for, Holy Paladin, Resto Shaman and Boomkin but we could use other classes as well, so don’t hesitate to contact us!

I’m looking got a guild to raid TBC classic with. Mainly interested in playing a Shaman of any spec.

Hello, add my bnet Gry#2921 or discord Dal#8844 to have a chat :slight_smile:


At the moment most positions are full, but we are still looking for healers, especially shamans, paladins and priests.


still looking for some more people.
Newcomers and rerollers are welcome :slight_smile:

We still looking for more people :slight_smile:

still looking for some more players to refine the roster!

discord.gg/FKfjtTscRR for more info!

Looking for a prot warrior! Contact us at discord!

Looking for healers to strengthen our roster- resto shammy, resto druid, priest.

Hello. I hope you are well. I am interested and would need to start fresh because I moved to EU from America. I have sent friend requests over. Willing to play Shaman healer or Mage.

Hello! Please join our discord and contact any officer there - if you going to play resto shaman we gladly accept you. Did not received your friend request btw.

Still looking for healers!

Looking for following classes:
1x Restoration Shaman
1x Holy Priest
1x Mage
1x Tank (Feral, Pala)
1x Warlock
1x Ele Shaman

Contact in discord

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