[H] [EU] [TARREN MILL] LF Late night Mythic progression guild for Shadowlands

Hey guys, i’m Dan, a 24 year old Chef from London. The last time I raided mythic was during nighthold progression, since my job changed to an 10:30pm finish Ive been playing semi casually, stayed with the same guild the whole time but unable to raid due to my working hours, just been pugging most content since then and joining my guildies for weekly mythic+. I was able to gear up 3 toons to 475+ ilvl with decent optimisation during BFA through m+ and pugging. If I’m able to find a guild that raids from 11:30 onwards on any days of the week I’m happy to come back and put my weekly effort back into raiding. Currently maining Fury warrior, but have similarly geared beast mastery hunter and demon Hunter ALTs, happy to use all specs within these classes to fit the situation. Please Hmu if I’m a suitable for any of you late night raiding guilds (not sure if there is any that raid at 11:30 onwards but I’m hoping there is lol).

Nocturnal Supremacy is a very late night raiding based on Twisting Nether.