[H][EU][Tarren Mill] <Synergy> 8/8H 2/8M - Recruiting All DPS For Mythic progress

Synergy <Tarren Mill> 8/8H 2/8M is a semi-serious guild recruiting players looking to progress into Mythic Raiding. Previously our name was Avoidable Damage.

  • Currently we have a core of players who have been raiding together since Vanilla with others joining us from various expansions. We have recently server swapped to maximise recruitment. Previously we have gotten half way through most raids at mythic level but as of this expansion we are missing the numbers to get into Mythic consistantly.
  • About our raids: We operate a laidback, relaxed environment but with a structure and a goal by the end of the night. 6 Officers all who are happy to offer assistance and help when needed. A run down of boss tactics before EVERY boss for new and returning players to keep everyone up to speed.
  • Over the past 2 months we have consistently been clearing 7 bosses on HC in one night and Ghuun the day after withthe first 2 Mythic bosses on farm. Also completing Mythic+ keys up to 11 to help get every member up to speed as soon as possible.
  • If you feel like you want to get stuck into some Mythic kills on a semi-serious basis get in contact with one of the officers below and we can discuss how you will fit in with our team!

If you dont feel like your Mythic ready, we still run countless Mythic+/ Heroic/Normal runs throughout the week so feel free to get in contact regardless of level!

Sesii, Waggins, Lolar, Khafiz, Omni, Immortalhero

My Battle.net id is FatChicken#2351

Thanks for reading and we will see you soon!
