[H] [Firemaw] <Mirage> Mon/Wed Evening Raiding - LFM Players!

Still recruiting 2-3 people, 1 priest, 1 hunter and warriors. Few weeks left until naxx

Preparing for Naxxramas!
Looking for | Some Warriors | 1 Priest |1 Hunter | 1 Warlock |
We are interested in all classes/applications but the above are what we need right now.

Feel free to contact us for a chat! Phase 6 Hype!!!

Recruiting Shamans, Warriors, Priests and Druids

Preparing for Naxxramas!
Looking for | Some Warriors | 1 Priest | 1 Resto Druid |
We are interested in all classes/applications but the above are what we need right now.

Feel free to contact us for a chat! Phase 6 Hype!!!

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