[H] Holy Paladin 9/10hc looking for raiding guild - can transfer

Hey there. You could be just the one we need!

We’ve slowly been building our roster and have no grown to a size where we rarely need to pug, except for 1 healer slot. We currently have a resto Shaman, Druid and a Paladin would fit perfectly with that, going for a 2/3/9 setup.

Should mention that we’re a bit behind you, since we’ve only gotten heroics going for a couple of weeks, so we’re currently at 4/10 heroic, with 2 new kills this week.

We’re a bunch of “old” guys, ranging from late 20s to mid-40s. We don’t do drama, and our only “rule” is that real life comes first. If we miss anyone, we will pug them if need be. We have a farm normal raid Thursday (19:00st), max 4 hours (last week we cleared it in 3). Heroic progression is Saturday (14:00st), max 6 hours. We also have an extra raid night on Monday at 19:00st, max 2 hours. You are NOT required to participate in all the raids, but you sign for those you can.

We do require the use of Discord for communication and as our platform for distributing news. Talking is not required, but you must be able to listen to tactics.

In our off-time we get a lot of Mythic keys going. As perks, the guild supplies Flasks (via Cauldron), Well Fed (through Feast), Healing/Mana pots, Oil. We also supply all gems and enchants.

All you gotta do is, show up, enjoy the game and pay your own repair-bill :slight_smile:

We hope to hear from you. You can add me on Elfeaterdk#2334 or on Discord Elftanker#9369. If you want you can check our recruitment post here. In the post there is contact-info for our GM as well.