[H-Kazzak] <CLICK> - [Ny 11/12M] 3h/3 days a week

We’ve been progressing Cara for 2 resets now and are confident it’s going down this upcoming reset!

We’re still recruiting though! Looking after:
Disco Priest
Resto Druid
MW Monk

Add me on b-tag as we’re recruiting for the core group and not the bench!!

Which puts us at 11/12M kills now.

We’re very happy with our efforts after only 3 months of progressing as an entierly new guild! We’re more than confident that N’zoth himself will be going down soon enough!

One big thing to note now after this weekends raid is that, it was our last raid as a Weekend guild. After alot of consideration we’ve decided to take up our raiding days to 3 days but raid 3 hours instead of 4 hours. And also we’ll be raiding weekdays instead of weekends only.

Our new raiding hours:
Thursday 18.30- 21.30 Server Time
Sunday 18.30- 21.30 Server Time
Tuesday 18.30- 21.30 Server Time

We’re skipping this Tuesday raid just to establish a new roster for these changes. So we’re aiming for our first raid as a Weekday guild to be on Thursday [13/8].

We’re very much recruiting any class/role out there except for TANKS.
We’ve open recruitment for melees aswell as after the changes we’ve had to drop some players.

Quickest way to get in touch with us if you’re eager to join is B-tag:

I will be accepting everyone everday so, just add and don’t hesitate!

After our transition into a Weekday guild we’ve sadly lost a few in the way, so we’re back recruiting for stabled raiders that would like to join our coreteam! Atm we have around 18 raiders that can commit and we’re still aiming for that 22-23 man roster.

At the moment we’re recruiting:
MW Monk
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Destro Lock
Balance Druid
Shadow Priest
Fire Mage

If you play this as your mainclass add me on b-tag, just make sure you have some kind of mythic experience and are ready to progress N’zoth with us!
[YES, we’re extending until we get CE!]

B-tag: Rhymzter#2407