[H] Kazzak - <The Disadvantage> semi-casual guild

We are opening recruitment again!
We are currently at 4th mythic boss at BfDA and we seek some more ranged DPS.
Don’t hesitate to contact any officer (mentioned in the post) if you are interested.

Looking for more ranged dps for further progression on Opulence and onward. Preferably spriest, elemantal shamans and a hunter, other ranged classes will be considered so don’t hesitate to message one of us!

Do you also accept new players? Or are you a pure raiding guild?


while I am not against taking you, I am afraid you wouldn’t find the guild to your liking. 90% of us are engaging in activities on max level and most are into higher M+ keys or raiding with an occasional speck of PVP.

We are still looking for ranged dps mythic oppulence and beyond.

Currently we have like one more open spot for ranged DPS on mythic raiding.
Don’t hesitate!

Hello, this seems like the kind of guild I am looking for :slight_smile: Do you perhaps have a place for a BM hunter ilvl 398? I am 9/9N and 4/9 HC atm, but I want to progress more in heroic, with maybe in the future mythic raiding :slight_smile: I also really like to push myself in doing soms higher keys.
I am currently on Magtheridon, but seeking to reroll to a different realm :slight_smile:
If you think I would be a good fit, you can message me on my battletag: CrrazySofie#2559

Due to a few people taking a break, we’re looking for new dps again. If you’re interested in raiding mythic don’t hesitate to contact * Remcodonaldo/Doodlerino (Btag: RemcDonalds#2779).

New raid is here and as we are going through normal and heroic, we are also looking for new fellas to help us out, mainly once we start eyeing mythic.
If you are hooked, contact some of the people in the post :slight_smile:

Still looking for 1 warlock and a dps warrior, other specs will be considered as well!

Looking for 1 warlock and 1 dps paladin now that we’re 3/9M. Other classes will be considered as well, just contact the people listed in the post!

Hey there! (Posted on the wrong character at first so here we go again!)

I am intersted in joining as a trial raider in your guild. Is it possible to apply or have an interview?

Alittle info about myself:
I am a veteran raider who currently play a Havoc DH(433ilvl) who have mostly been maining rogue past expansions, both casual and mythic. I’ve been active pretty much whole WoWs lifespand with a few odd breaks.
I always aim to push myself to perfection when it comes to my character(s) and am active in the M+ scene. I’ve got a friendly attitude and try to be as helpful as possible :slight_smile:

I hope to hear back from you, you’re welcome to add me Therion#1510

best regards

Still looking for dps and possibly a healer to start ashvane progression, don’t hesitate to contact on of the people listed in the post! Also don’t hesitate if you want to make the transition from HC to Mythic raiding!

Still looking for some raiders, don’t hesitate to seek out Remcodonaldo/Doodlerino (Btag: RemcDonalds#2779) !

Hey! My guild fell apart a while ago and i’m just looking for a social guild and people to play with :slight_smile: I’ve cleared hc uldir with my old guild and i really enjoy pvp
littlespider#2457 add me if you’re still looking for people

With the new raid we’re looking for one more healer to clear at least HC.

Hello, I am interested! Would you accept me ? (Fire mage 450 with some raiding experience on heroic)

Looking for more dps and 1 healer for mythic progress! Please contact one of the following people if you’re interested

  • Remcodonaldo/Doodlerino (Btag: RemcDonalds#2779)
  • Monvosh (Btag: Umpolung#21607
  • Zíta (Btag: Addamus86#2835)

4/12M with Hivemind down to 20%. Looking for primarily more ranged dps, but melee dps can be considered as well!

With Hivemind down, we’re looking for more ranged dps for progression!

Other classes will be considered