[H] Looking for a guild

Hello everyone!

So, I took a break after being apprehensive about how Blizzard are going to pull off the next expansion. I am “cautiously optimistic” after seeing the recent news about Dragonflight and I’m hoping it’s the first step to them turing the game around. Having started only since Legion, it’ll be interesting to experience the game without the good old borrowed power system we’ve just had to get used to these past 3 expansions

So, I’m looking for a guild to experience this last raid tier with and to progress into Dragonflight with. I’m currently a 250 Frost mage, so will need to put some work in but I’m getting help from a group of friends who are pushing keys with me. I’ve not run Seplucher at all but I can quickly learn tactics and will try my hardest to improve my character. I’m not looking for a massive guild either, just big enough for there to be people online most of the time to run the content, I get quieter with there being more people around and I don’t want to be overwelmed.

I’ll more then likely be running with Mage into the next expansion, while dipping into the new class and the others now and again. I do enjoy healing too but I always end up maining a class that is pure DPS! :slight_smile:

Sounds like your could be right at home with the marmots, we have a few members in a similar situation just having returned to the game.


Free feel to reach out to us :slight_smile:

I’ll throw our hat in to the ring!

Thanks for your links, I’m having a look through them all, just want to find a good fit, you know ^^

256 now so I’m getting there and still need to build my 4 set (Hopefully next week)

Forgot to add some place for you guys to get in touch though! Aevelin#0414 - Discord

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