[H] Looking for guild for raiding

Greetings, I am Tophi.
I am 245 geared Shaman capable of playing as Restoration/Elemental/Enhancement, but prefer Enhancement over the other 2.

I am looking for a raiding guild to join for raiding current content and future content in 9.2.
I have cleared heroic SoD, but never touched the Mythic side of things, but I am not afraid to try if it comes down to it.

I have a lot of experience with WoW in general, as I have been playing since Naxx patch Vanilla, though most of my raiding high’s in terms of PVE where in WotLK, MoP and BFA, where in the latter two I used to raid lead.

If you have any questions, please toss em at me.

Hi there Tophi

You can add me on Discord for a chat if you want: Antionette#8339 :slight_smile:

Hi Tophi how can we contact you?

Hi Tophi, please check our raiding community:

Hi there Tophi, heres a link to my current guilds post. If you want to contact me you can on discord or bnet via our post :slight_smile:

I will try to reach out to you folks and test out the waters if that is fine.

I’ve sent you a request on disc if you’re still looking :slight_smile:

I will say that this is resolved. I have enough offers to work through now, so thank you all for the chance.