[H] Mutliclass player LF raiding guild


I am 30 yo, laid back, chill. I started raiding with Legion, healed as a mw monk and a holy paladin, tanked back then as a prot paladin, blood death knight and bm monk, also played DPS as ele shaman and shadow priest.
Before that I dicked around with friends and played PvP.

Basically I learn very fast and can play any class and role. Unfortunately my guild from Legion disbanded during Tomb of Sargeras but we still managed to clear curve content with a relatively small group.

Roles ordered by preference

Healer > RDPS = MDPS > Tank

M+ dungeons
Tank > MDPS > Healer > RDPS

Current portfolio

  • ilvl 187 vengeance demon hunter (current main)
  • ilvl 186 unholy death knight
  • ilvl 177 disc / shadow priest

Profiles of my Legion main characters

I am now returning to Shadowlands and looking for a guild which targets curve at minimum, clears HC raiding content and pushes as far through mythic as doable.
Raiding times should be pref. 20:00+ CET or at any time on the weekends.
If you are looking for a disciplined player to fill your raiding rooster, please send me a short description of your guild and raiding details (loot management, raiding times and so on) via ingame mail or leave a message here, I will get back to you.

Thank you.

Hello, I’m trying to start a raiding guild, and if you’re interested in joining we would love to have you. Our goal will be to comfortably clear heroic and dip our toes into mythic. Raiding days and times are Tuesday and Sunday at 20:00 to 23:00.

Send me a message on discord, contact me ingame or join the discord I created. Here is a link to our recruitment thread. [H] Silly Name Inc. a Heroic Guild Startup - #2

please contact me on Bnet Eliree#2964

Hey man,

Tavern Tribe:
Raid times:
First raid will be on January 10th
(Progression) Monday: 20:30 - 23:00 (GMT+1)
(Offrun) Tuesday: 20:30 - 23:00 (GMT+1)
(Progression) Wednesday: 20:30 - 23:00 (GMT+1)
(Progression) Sunday: 20:30 - 23:00 (GMT+1)

Our goals:
is looking to build a stable raiding team. We’ll first venture through Normal and Heroic once we have a stable team. As soon as we have everyone up to speed and familiar with each other, we wish to venture through Mythic. Cutting Edge would the end goal, but this goal is easier reachable the next tier.

About us:
A couple friends and me have decided to start up a guild again called Tavern Tribe. We’re currently looking for new members to help build up this new guild, as we’d like to build it up to a semi-hardcore Mythic raiding guild. We’re all old players, that have played on various expansions, in Mythic raiding, and Heroic (MoP and before) raiding. Though most of us have had a big break during BFA.

That’s why we’d like to build up this new exciting community. Which will provide a friendly environment, where we we build a strong team of friends to continue into Mythic eventually.

Besides that we enjoy having a laugh together in our Discord, where we’d like to welcome all guildies to have a laugh with us.


If you are still looking for a home feel free to check us out

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