[H or A] Looking for PvE Guild


I am a recent re-sub coming back to WoW after taking a break since legion (around atbt time). I was involved in mythic raiding back then (2/11m) and would love to get back into the PvE scene. I would be looking to raid around twice per week, if you require any logs etc of previous experience then I’m happy to provide that. (affli lock experience, with some enh shaman)

I’m originally alliance but would prefer to re-roll horde (happy with either should the guild be the right choice!).

Hope to hear back from some of you soon.


I’ve just recently started up a guild on Argent Dawn called Past It - We’re mostly over 30 (One person in his mid 70’s!) and looking to build up a heroic raid team, but we will be dipping our toes into some no pressure mythic raiding once the numbers are built up.

Have a read of my forum post, if it sounds like something you’d like to get involved with, just let me know :slight_smile: kaon#2813
