[H] Order of Thrall HC Social Raiding Guild

We are so damn social we even meet up once a year!!

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Damn right! And so cultured too! Trying the terrible foreign fish and weird cheese balls

Enjoy our culture!

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Fyrakk is dead but we’re still always open for new people :3
We play other games together as well to break up the season. Gaming with frens, is there anything better? (no)

Imagine not joining an active social guild in the year 2024… smh my head!

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Forever being open to socials to come hang out with us. You’ll never be alone when you’re in Order of Thrall!

honestly good guild if u wanna hang out on discord and just chat, do some dungs or even other random games and chill with the homies. beware of the moldman

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Always recruiting for gaming and for frens

I am once again bumping this post

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Hi im playing a retri/holy pala atm im a veteran player is there any spot for me in your raid teams thx in advance

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We’re mostly playing Remix right now and waiting for new expac. You should come play remix with us though.

Heyoo Guys,

I have joined this game since late 2005. Did many contents(and chores) with varying social and progressive guilds in both PVE and PVP.

A lot of these guilds had issues to bond with people, to truly connect and be part of something together with the “For the long run” idea in mind. At the same time, given the chance to grow with patient and supportive manners to truly Build your progression together. However, in my young experience with the Order of Thrall, they are exactly nailing on those quality points that brings forth the Fun in this game and beyond.

After a 1,5 year break I joined the Order of Thrall a few weeks after the final patch launch of Dragonflight and welcomed me immediately and given me the chance to join their raids. I like the experience to see these people who perform really well on mechanics and inspire me to be part of it.

The new expansion is on its way and I can’t wait to experience the progression and fun with them from the beginning.

Now is a great time to join, be part of our fun and getting to know eachother in retail/remix. If you seek bonding, friendship, progression and to build a solid skillset in raids/M+, and class mechanics with plenty of support, then this guild is for you!


Recruiting for War Within socials and raiders, the more the merrier!


I just added you to my friend list.
I am looking to join as a raider but I’m alright with joining as a social if the Hunter spot is taken.

I’m up for a chat in discord later after work if that suits you better, otherwise DM me when you got time.

Greetings Petrel.

I came back to WoW after a long break of 2 expansions and I’m looking for a new home.

I am a casual player that started in Vanilla WoW, I have lost most interest in raiding and rated pvp but I very much enjoy questing, exploring, dungeon runs (hc and mythics) and old content for mounts and transmogs.
I am looking forward to meeting new players on your discord, if you’ll have me.

Have a nice day.

:edit: It says that I am still in a guild but It has not been updated because I already left it. That guild is completely dead since previous expansion, nobody online in months.

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Currently on heroic progress with quick normal clears to start Thursdays off and hope for tier and mount. Still recruiting socials and open to a Dps druid or if any tanks want to reach out. Would love another for dungeons especially but either way reach out.

Just cleared Heroic! Happy times here in Order of Thrall

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That’s us on Raid break until the next season. Happy have cleared both raids on Heroic!

Still gonna be running some content on Mondays and Thursdays. Whether that’s M+ or something else. Socials and those wanting to join for next season welcome!

We have cookies! Join us please :3 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:

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Recruiting for next season! Still doing dungeon runs on alts, playing some hardcore and other games.