[H] Out of Character - Argent Dawn 6/9HC

Hey you :slight_smile:

Are you looking for casual, only for fun raiding guild?
We are a bunch of friends who do not have the time or will to commit into mythic raiding so we are raiding casually instead.

We have open spots for DPS classes and people who have any up to date offspec they can play if needed.
Especially interested in;

In general:
Our goal is to gain us that [Ahead of the Curve] achievement and have fun while doing so.

Casual is the keyword with us. Mistakes and wipes happen; When they do we move on and do not get salty or start to whine about it.
There are veteran raiders, but some newer raiders as well in our team which means we have people on different skill levels.
We are mostly active during the weekends and late evenings.

  • Being on Argent Dawn does not mean that you have to RP, there are plenty of people who do not!
  • We do not host RP events. If you wish to RP; you will have to look for that somewhere else.

Twice a week; Saturday and Sunday nights 20:00-23:00 server time.

We always start the new raid tier with normal raid clear to ensure that everyone understands the basic tactics and those who been busy (or lazy lets be real here) to read about those said tactics know them too. :smiley:
After the normal runs go smoothly and people have gotten enough upgrades,
we move on to the heroic difficulty. It all depends on how the team feels and how our teamwork is.

Just to be clear once more time, we are a normal/heroic guild, not going to join the mythic progress.

The Guild:
The core of us have played together for years and not just in the World of Warcraft. We play multiple different games together and always remember to have a laugh!
During raids we have big mouths and our humour can be too much for those more sensitive minds; You should consider taking this as a warning. We do not look for drama and have not had any so do not bring it in either if you know you can be sensitive on specific subjects and can’t see past the very poor humour. :slight_smile:

If this post peaked your interest contact Ashon (GM) on the btag for a chat; Meleamee#2212

Still looking for more friends to join us for the new raid!

We are still looking for people who are interested in casual raiding to join our team for the Battle of Dazar’alor and forward :slight_smile:

(If you are interested on m+ alone, I have to disappoint you; we are not interested in m+ only. Our m+ runs are random, usually only aimed for getting a +10 done and no more.)

Still looking for more for fun times in the new raid.

We are still offering spots in our raidteam to those who are interested in casual, for fun heroic raiding!

Bringing up the post

We are interested in another full time healer! :slight_smile:

:grinning: Looking for more to join us for fun time and memes.

6/9 HC and we have some open spots for DPS (with up to date offspecs)!
Add me for a chat: Meleamee#2212