Interim raid leader lifts skeleton arm feebly from coffin
It’s been a very long tier, particularly for a starter one but after changing raid lead and lots of new faces we have still gone on to keep to our goal of clearing as much raid content as we can!
Setting aside raid leading I return to my primary source of entertainment, walking up slowly behind Vitsaus. In-joke.
Tarragrue falls before we head into some heroic rekills - “so far” the raid is feeling pretty epic! Between runs the guild performs republic of rome debates on who gets to go to whose latest market run and in dungeons I train extensively as a coffin bearer so I can let my team down one last time.
whispers from the wind You want to join this guild trust me
I’ve been here 2 years and they still put up with my randomness.
Also the legendary hat of mail continues to elude me :(. Next up though we get to smash Nerzhul so that’ll be fun…again…for the third time is it now? How many times can an orc appear in a game??
Painsmith falls today after 100+ pulls of spikes and balls and weapons bigger than Tauren being thrown across a torture chamber! One of the most intense bosses we’ve ever done and really big on movement and mechanics, with skill checks that even target the typically taunt-swap-only role of a tank.