[H-RP] Orcs of the Red Blade – Now Old Enough to Drive and Vote!


Happy 15th Anniversary Orcs! Glad to be a part of the guild at such a big milestone.


Been hanging around this guild for some 10-something years. Been away at times because I simply didn’t play WoW, but coming back, it’s always to the same place <3 So happy the guild is still around because you make the WoW experience so much better.


Happy birthday Red Blades! Cheers for another 15 years to come!


The past weeks the Red Blade have been working together with other guilds to push back on a swarm of new enemies. Times have been tough, but new friends have been made and new alliances forged.
Tonight is the last event of this long campaign and it should prove to be an epic closing finale to a very fun few weeks!


Saw you close to ratchet the other day, happy birthday.
Good luck in your fight ahead and hope to encounter you IC at some point.
Some really beautiful posts in here by the way :smiley:


Thank you!
Tonight we have the ‘official’ closing of our campaign. A party, of course, what else!
Prepare for many drunken orcs, elves, vulpera and other beings around the town!


Love this bunch, have built so many memories with them in the past. Here’s to another 15 years! Happy birthday ORB! :partying_face:

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Happy birthday!


Hey! Another veteran of banner of the bloodhoof here.

I’d like to catch up with some of the old members

-Kharzac the dead moo

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This week the clan has been split up. A scouting party has gone to the far north to check up on the rumours circulating there, while the rest stayed back in Razor Hill to make sure the lands that we so painstakingly kept safe, are indeed being kept safe.
The scouting party will return next week… what news will they bring?!


Or will they? :eyes:




Luckily the scouting crew arrived back home safely. This week we’ll be in Razor Hill, having some down time and relaxation. There’s still plenty RP going on, so do come on by if you want to meet some orcses!


With the undead rampaging across the world, the clan has moved to a more secure location to discuss how to move on! Boar or Kodo, the most heated food discussion ever!

Also we’re in Malaka’jin for now and we still like Forsaken people.


Kodo definitely gets my vote, no bias towards Tauren at all, whatsoever, nope, absolutely none.

Nice to hear you lot aren’t all mindless Undead yet over there on Kalimdor! Fira’s definitely not being her cowardly self and sunbathing on a beach sipping Moonberry Juice while this allllll blows over… nope, not at all. She’d never do that!

Looking forward to being able to pop by again soon! Though… I get a feeling it ain’t going to be all that soon at all. But someday!


The Clan has now moved again! We’re not nomadic for nothing.
This time we’re in Thunder Bluff! Enjoying the views and the hospitality of the tauren.
Come and RP with us if you wish!

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All the orcses are hard at work getting their artificial numbers up to get even bigger numbers that produce even bigger numbers in their search to get yet more numbers! You might even stumble upon some of their ugly faces now that our factions share a common city hub again. Much excite!

Though RP may not be so much a priority for a little bit right now, we’re definitely already making plans for some amazing campaigns once everyone has settled down. Some of our biggest fun was had in the campaigns that kick off a new expansion, in fact. Take for example our “A World Divided” campaign, where our orcs were shipwrecked on Kul Tiras and were aided by none other than their former enemy, the charming pirate Captain Climidea Curtsy! Will he make a return for Shadowlands? Probably not. But we have some even crazier characters waiting to meet the clan when high adventure resumes once more!


The Clan is still having a lot of fun leveling and exploring Shadowlands, but soon we’ll be back in RP!
Fun times are coming!


We’ve made little steps already towards our upcoming plot campaign for after the holidays, I’m really looking forward to it! At this point we can still be found in Thunderbluff, but most of us are enjoying the holidays right now. ^^


From all of us here in the Red Blades, we wish you all a happy new year and let’s go, 2021! Here’s to many more fun RP encounters and amazing stories together. <3