[Goblin/Gnome RP] B.O.O.M.T.E.C. Incorporated - ARC&D Now Hiring Controversial Casters!

Happy New Year everyone! And with a new year it’s high time that we welcomed some new faces to the Battalion, the Vulpera!

Yes, leading up to 8.3 we’re going to be doing some events in Vol’dun and Nazmir where the Battalion aid a group of Vulpera who had taken their caravan to carry supplies in aid of Talanji’s Expedition, only to never arrive at their destination. Zandalari soldiers nor the cunning Vulpera have managed to brave the swamps of Nazmir, so the Voldunai turn to us Bilgewaters and our technology to lend a hand in finding the lost caravan.

This will not only be our way of introducing the Vulpera to the concept of joining the Battalion and aiding the Bilgewater military, but we also have plenty of rogues on hand who can use the glyph of disguise to let you set up your Vulpera and get some early Vulpera RP in before 8.3, so that your character is already established when the patch drops!

We’re very much looking forward to the next few weeks of RP, between this expedition, Goblin heritage giving our Goblins some sweet armour and a bit of a rank reshuffle that we hope will give you and your character a sense of progression in our guild, but enough of that, here’s a bit of a guide to the Battalion and how your Vulpera can fit in:

Why should my Vulpera join the Bilgewater Battalion?

  • The Vulpera are a typically mercantile race just as the Goblins are, both races are intelligent and capable of surviving in harsh climates and places which other races wouldn’t usually inhabit. We also have the same model rigging which very much helps the concept of working alongside Goblins!
  • During multiple Voldunai quests, the Vulpera are shown to be interested by the Bilgewater Cartels methods and how reckless yet brutally efficient Goblin technology is. Bilgewater Goblins have also been shown to be operating on the coast alongside the Reliquary and doing archaeology just as the Vulpera do. Whether it is scavenging discarded Goblin tech or watching Goblin zeppelins, airships and giant robotic constructs roar over the sands; it’s easy to give your Vulpera a keen interest in the Bilgewater Cartel due to a fascination with our technology and the way the Goblins survive and prosper!
  • Also, don’t forget that the Bilge Rats are one of the most feared pirate crews on the seas around Kul Tiras. Not all Vulpera chose to continue to struggle to survive on the dunes of Vol’dun, and people such as Captain Eudora and her crew synergize with the cutthroat, big weapon toting style of Goblins more than anyone! Bilge Rats Rule!

What role my Vulpera play in the Bilgewater Battalion?

The Vulpera, if you look at them, actually have exactly the same set of classes as Goblins due to their entire rigging being based on Goblin models; your Vulpera could fulfil any role in the Battalion just as well as us Goblins do, but here are a few specific, interesting plothooks:

  • Vulpera scavenge whatever they can to survive, and technology is no exception; your Vulpera could join in as a scavenger and fighter for the Battalion due to either gaining an interest in Goblin technology or just being lured in by the concept of being PAID to scavenge!
  • Between environmental engineers and various technologies, the Goblins have dominated the dunes of Tanaris and bunkered down in the frigid cold of Winterspring and the Storm Peaks. There is a lot for a Vulpera to learn about new ways to survive from Goblins and their allies, as well as our unique means of manipulating the arcane and the elements to work in our advantage which goes well with the Vulpera mindset.
  • Also, don’t forget that the Captain is a warlock! If you’re looking for your Vulpera to become invested in the dark arts of warlockery or even necromancy, Captain Trautfizzle is your guy, he’ll teach anyone, as long as they can pay up with coin or by working for the Battalion…

We hope to see you, whether you join us as a Goblin, VULPERA, Orc or Forsaken before or during 8.3!