Have we sunk into post war confusion? Where is our purpose? We must occupy ourselves. We must go on. The new year. A fresh start. A rebirth for many. A splendid time to celebrate the achievements of Quel’Thalas and of the Horde in true lavish fashion. Let us drink, sing and dance! Let us lament the song of the Phoenix for centuries to come! Glory to the Sin’dorei! Glory to the Horde!
The people of Quel’Thalas, generously spurred on by the Highblood, are hosting a ball to celebrate the new year and the achievements of the past one. This Phoenix Ball is a testament to the ideas of rebirth, renewal and fresh starts. Let us come together as a Horde in celebration of last years achievements, and mourn those who have fallen in the Fourth War.
The evening will consist of light entertainment, fine cuisine and finer dancing. The Thalassian Arts will be fully on show. Music, dance, poetry, drama,- it will all be on display for the wider Horde to take in. Those wanting to take part in the Arts Competition will need to submit an entry detailing their act, we are very excited to see your talents on display!
The ball will take place on the tenth day of the first month, at an estate west of Fairbreeze.
All members of the Horde are encouraged to attend. Shoes and shirts for males will be mandatory, with the theme of the evening being formal and proper. Ancestral formal clothing is subject to scrutiny by the staff.
[20:00 – Welcome + Opening speeches]
[20:30 – “Sunrise” A short play by Alarodan Sunshifter (Performed by The Highblood Myrmidons) ]
[21:00 – Preliminary Performances]
[21:30 – The Prancing Phoenix Arts Competition]
[21:50 – Best Dressed Competition]
[22:15 – Fireworks]
(From 22:30 onward, the guests are encouraged to fully enjoy the festivities without the assistance of a regimen.)
Dawn and Dusk
The Highblood
Please note: Any trespassers will be subject to re-education. Any members of the Grand Alliance will be subject to capture and punishment under the Laws of Silvermoon, or alternatively, death.
Hello gamers,
HBM are excited to bring forward the first ever Phoenix Ball (sponsored by the PCU), a celebration of the new year brought to you by your elven friends within the Horde. The event will take place on the 10th of January at 8PM RT, running through the course of the entire evening. There will be plenty of opportunity for your character to meet others, experience Quel’Thalas, or perhaps just celebrate. All members of the Horde are invited to come down for a night of fun and chill RP, both guilds and individuals. The entire event will take place in Satheril’s Haven, a very prestigious party location just west of Fairbreeze Village…
The theme for the evening is formal, and there will be an IC competition for the most finely dressed. A Phoenix King and Queen will be crowned champions. There will also be what could be considered the main event: the arts competition. This may take the form of song, poetry, dance or any other IC creative medium your characters may use.
If you would like to have your character perform during the arts contest, which we highly recommend, or have a particular artistic talent that can be shown off and would like to participate, there will be an obvious IC route to signing up for the contest on the door.
TLDR Info:
Time: 8PM RT
Date: 10th January
Place: Satheril’s Haven
Hope to see both familiar faces and new ones there!