I can for sure say that Kosh’harg is very good for orcs! Even for orcs who don’t know what it is! Just ask one and they’ll tell! Or keep asking until you find someone who knows.
Also, I might join the archery contest this time to beat all elves. Again.
If I have gametime of course. Pew pew!
Kosh’harg! \o/ It’s always such a lovely time when it rolls around each spring and autumn.
A chance to use all the various sites of Nagrand in RP and of course, a chance to see so many of the different races of the Horde come together to celebrate orcish tradition yet again!
I’m looking forward to seeing many of you there! <3
Another Autumn, another Kosh’harg! Alas, two months feels like it’s absolutely forever away. I can’t wait for it, however, as always! It’s going to be great to hang around for that week again, taking in the lovely sights of Nagrand… and also being irritated by the grass being far too tall for poor Fira.
I have to agree with Fira on this. Two months is so long
I didn’t even realise the time has come again. Finally something to look forward to, along all the familiar faces one waits for at these events! See you all there <3
Ah yes… This Kosh’arg will be L e g e n d a r y
Entering August, which means it’s a month and then some until Kosh’harg. Hype? Hype!
Hype indeed! \o/
Dreaming of cool weather and a cooler kosh’harg. September can’t come soon enough.
Looking forward to it again this time! Last time was a blast. Always really enjoy the market myself, personally!
We’ll all be there Neikku
Love to hear it!
The Tirisfallen will be there too!
Ahhh Kosh’harg. So many memories.
Getting closer by the day! Has anyone seen my special Kosh’harg socks? Can’t seem to find them >.>
struts around in new, totally not stolen Kosh’harg socks
Damn it Kru, give them back!
Guess who you’ll be seeing, same as every year
Only four weeks to go! \o/
p.s pls ban wiggly hugs
They’ll be banned if you give back the damned socks!