[H-RP]The Frozen Paw Clan - A Light in the Darkness đŸ”„

Let’s not derail this great thread chaps hmm? Have some class.

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Please stop overwriting my intellectual property :frowning: This was not the plot you and I agreed on during our ooc talk in which I made an effort to find a way out for your character that did not involve execution/long time prison sentence.


Yeah keep this guild thread in good condition I Am Serious


You guys did it first so, im just rolling with what was said :smiley:

but the boat as a whole was Apawi’s idea?


Could you elaborate on this “You guys did it first.”?

Thank you


Urugar sits up in the dusty red mountains of Stonetalon, cradling the hostage who had to be unfortunately taken from the arms of those considered rebels, under Rogmasha Thundercaller. Just a day ago, Urugar shot Rogmasha. This was a woman he used to respect, he even fought with her clan - but his bond with his closest friend Belok was stronger. Therefore the death of Belok Redfang has brought the worst out of Urugar and he blames his death on Rogmasha and friends for leading him down the path of treachery. Urugar witnessed his friend’s will to serve Rogmasha, he even tried to tell him to come home before it was too late - but there he was two days ago, being handed the corpse. What happened yesterday and what is going to happen is personal for Urugar and he intends to get his vengeance

Vengeance for Belok Redfang.


uhh in ten characters

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I’ve been gone for a year what the ookin heck happened


Some really good stories coming recently guys keep it up


News travels quickly of the starboard slaughter, even to those hiding deep within the unnamed wilderness. That’s efficiency only a Dee Four Cee Goblin could provide, available now at competitive rates. The would be assassins gather in their camp to hear of the chaos yet another of these rebels have caused. There was seemingly no natural end in sight to their actions.

Their end would have to be engineered.

The perhaps unlikely group may fight for Belok’s memory, but their actions will benefit the Horde far beyond that.


Shame, I thought it was a very interesting idea to portray the effects of having to cope with an awful deed (slaughtering people on a prison barge) for an otherwise peaceful character. Seemed to me like it had the potential for being some really high-quality roleplay. Certainly more than simply being a flawless paragon, anyway.


I get’cha, as long as everyone goes to their stuff and has fun and it doesn’t cause more OOC conflict to -anyone- I am completely happy for everyone.

Alas, the issues go far beyond that, and stretch too far into OOC territory for me to think the potentially good roleplaying outcome could be worthwhile.


Oh that is sad to hear. Kinda liked the collab you had earlier.


It seems to me like a very interesting trade-off. A sacrifice for the freedom of the character so to speak. Personally I think it’d be a great way to generate RP while dealing with consequences but if it’s not up Ohru’s street then there’s not much that can be done.


I understand that. But the soul-searching part is thankfully something that can be done without great interaction between guilds, it’s basically just up to the character directly involved and those close to him.

I agree. Obviously he can’t be forced to do things he dislikes, I just hope he doesn’t completely disregard this, as it is a pretty unique chance to have something like this present itself so organically.


certainly will not be disregarding it, but irl stuff rn for me is extremely stressful (new job, death in the family) so i will be dealing with it, but at a time when irl isn’t terrible! :smiley:


Sorry to hear, hope things get better, gamer.


Seer Gor’kamp Axefang hears of the news about the Death of Belok Redfang. Having recently recovered from a terrible curse himself, in the Heart of Frozen North, this was a heavy burden

Belok may not have been his closest friend, but he knew him, and remembered his face, his fury in battle, and his ensuring smile.

“This is War
 Crisis, Agony
 Brothers and Sisters fall, but we remain to carry their legacy
 We have forgotten what makes us strong
 Instead, we stand against each other
” Thought Gor’kamp with himself.
He made his way to the Altar near the Frostwolf village , preparing a simple, small offering, with few Orcs gathering around him. He prepares an incense and some offerings to the Spirit of the fallen Warrior.

“Aka’magosh brother, may the Great wolf take thee in his embrace, Old wolf

The snow fell
 It was a tragic moment
 The Seer turned to the few who gathered beside him. His voice being a low one, sorrowful.
“Never forget brothers
 Kin above all
 Protect them with your lives, and beware the day -you- be danger for them yourselves
Silence took over, a cold wind was blowing
 Sky cloudy, snow white

Nice stories here, i wrote an improvised one as well, hope you like it. :smile:

i shed a tear while writing it .