[H] Sera (3/8M, 6/9M) {Draenor} - looking for a Healer!

Cleared back up to 4/9M again today, group is looking good but still looking for a few more experienced dps!

The Eternal Palace has opened and we’ve cleared 7/8 H in the first week. We have a steady group going, but always looking for more exceptional players to fill our ranks!

I would be interested !

Hi Karelanker! Nice to hear you’re interested! Please add one of us on Btag so we can have a chat. :slight_smile:

Still looking for exceptional dps, also have 1 healer spot for the right person!!!
likely be 3/8m by reset :smiley:

Hello there.

I’m interested in the mythic+ activities of your guild. Is there any chance you’d recruit me for that?

We’re still looking for a beast healer!

Still looking for another Healer to join us to get Cutting edge this tier!

Started Progress on m Ashvane, 51% after first night of progress, considering all exceptional DPS!!!