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EU - Shazzrah - Horde The Late Night Raiding Guild - We are recruiting! Recruiting all classes! All roles and classes are considered according to the player’s performance, attitude, and gear.

Raid Time : - Monday & Wednesday: 00:30 to 03:30 !
Our Progress - BWL & MC on Farm. AQ40 9/9

Loot system: Loot Council

Guild Discord: sZuSusT

We are an English speaking guild on Shazzrah EU. Our goal as a guild is to complete all of Classic’s content while creating a valuable friendly community where people can have fun and enjoy the game whilst doing focused and organized raids.

With that said, we expect our raiders to be prepared for raiding, which means bringing world buffs, consumables, enchants, and their A-game to every raid.

As our guild name implies, we are the only late-night raiding community in Shazzrah!

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