[H] <Simulacrum> Mythic guild (monday/wednesday 20-23st) LF DPS (hunter/rogue)

a healer spot opened

need healers/dps

still up need more PEOPLE FOR MYTHIC!!!

still need more players…

still up need more players

we are in need of a couple of more players to rebuild the guild

need more players to rebuild the guild!!!

we are back for DF, filling the last spots for our 20man group

still looking for deeeepppsss

still up…looking for deps

need that dps and healers asap!

thread up for deeps and 1 pala healer

still up for deeps (dh/warrior) and paladin healer!!!

paladin healers, where are you ?

still need R druid and DH to fill the spots

still up…where are all the r druids?

Havoc is looking for Mythic Raid
I sent you invites in battle net guys

recruitment opened again for ww monk, dps dh and resto druid

WW here LFG, mythic exp through all of SL &all+20 dungs in S3

up , still looking for DPS and 1 healer