[H] [Stormscale EU] Looking for an active and tight-knit guild

My in-game name on Stormscale is Chakae, and i transferred here to have a fresh start for the next expansion.
I played WoW on and off since early Burning Crusade, so i have some experience when it comes to gameplay and knowing my class. I’m looking for a chill and active guild to do content with, mostly Raids and Mythic+(also wouldn’t mind some PvP). What i want from a guild is making friends, and just have a great time playing together, that is my main drive in WoW.

Edit: Found a Guild, no posts pls, ty.

Hey man, just dropped you a bnet request!

What you’re looking for sounds like our guild down to a tee! Here’s our latest forum post if you want to check it out and then feel free to shoot me a message :slight_smile: