Hello there!
Were a new guild that want to progress Mythic all the way to CE for Shadowlands. We currently need you to help build something great and finish what we started in BFA with 11/12 M.
We offer:
- Dedicated raidteam
- 3 raiddays WED/THU/SUN 19:30 - 23:00 Servertime (subject to change)
- Friendly, non toxic, environment
- Raid explanation
- Teamwork and communication
- Dedicated raidlead
We’re looking for:
- Dedicated guild mates that take responsibility
- Give and recieve constructive feedback
- Teamwork, unselfishness and friendliness
- Punctuality and reliability
- Selforganisation and preperation
- Knowledge of your class
- Mythic Raiding experience with decent logs
- Willingness to practice and learn
We currently are especially Recruiting:
1x Tank
1x Warlock
1x Resto Shaman
Healers and other classes can contact us as well and will be evaluated individually.
If this sounds like the right place for you hit me up on Discord.
Have a good one and hope to see you soon in >>Reapers of Destiny<< !
just wondering what the requirements are and what classes / specs you are looking for. i’ve sent a friend request on discord.
i look forward to hearing from you soon.
Ive accepted you on Discord. Will try and reach you today!
Very good guild - extremely social and help with anything you would possibly want - highly recommend for good banter and a nice time helping through m+, heroic raids, and general content 
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Thank you <3 Glad to have you!
Added you bnet a feew days ago, not been accepted yet. Add me Jds#2239
I sent a request! Didnt get a request sry 
Hey there, what about your raiding times (days & times). I can’t start before 21:30 (cet).
I only just joined this bunch of people and if YOU are looking for a relaxed guild that gets stuff done -> this might be the place for you.
Hey I accepted your Request on Discord 
Im afraid thats a little late for us 
I joined a couple of weeks ago, and have this to say about the guild thus far:
- Experienced officers with knowledge of the game. Both in PvP and Raids as well.
- Great guild members to talk to, which creates a good and social atmosphere.
- Helps members who’re not up to speed yet. Whether it be a player back from a long break, or a new player to WoW.
- Generally a good place for most play-styles like, casual players, social players, pvp players, semi-hardcore players, and hardcore players.
Would recommend this any day. Would be nice to see YOU here too someday! ^^
I did join one Mythic run with them as a progress on both my own character and their guild. We did manage to get 3/12 and some decent pulls on 4th boss. The raid leader is decent, the guild has good members and the only thing lacking is members and some time spending to catch up for the returning players.
Highly recommended! If nothing out of the blue happens I’m planning to join aswell!
Haha im decent
thanks ill take it as a compliment hope to see you join soon.
From LFR scrub to HC/Mythic raider with this guild.
I’ve been playing casually ever since BfA hit, not really being able to find the right guild to fit in until one day I got a message to join a guild. Asked to get my main (tank) to the guild and immediately got a whisper from the raid leader whether I’d like to tank a HC. Since I’ve only done LFR raids I doubted I’d be of much use but I gave it a go and I was blown away.
The raid leader (who was luckily a tank too) explained me all the mechanics before the fight. Not only to me but to all the people present in the raid that were there the first time. It did work and we cleared that raid. Ever since then we’ve progressed to mythic difficulty and really the only thing missing is more people. The mythic + experience is amazing too. Everything clearly explained.
All in all, I’m looking forward to raiding with this guild in the Shadowlands and - hopefully - with more people present so that we can push ourselves even higher!
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We have a flex system due to corona and work schedules. We have changing days at the moment. In future it will most likely be Wednesday and Sunday.
If you have any more questions just hit me up on discord.
As of today we are 4/12m with pulls at 21% on Hivemind.